All merchant locations in Elden Ring
The merchant sell you lots of useful items, so here's where to find them all and what goods they offer.
The merchants in Elden Ring are exactly what merchants are in other games: a way to buy items and useful items.
While travelling in Elden Ring, you will regularly come across Nomadic merchants sitting around campfires waiting for customers. You can keep them company for a moment. Some of them play music and can be heard from a distance.
Here we show you where you can find all merchants in Elden Ring and what goods they have in stock.
On this page:
Things to know about Merchants in Elden Ring
Incidentally, if you have annoyed, attacked or even killed a merchant, don't worry. After all, you will receive their Bell Bearings if they die, which you can use to expand the range of goods on offer from the Twin Maiden Husks. So don't worry - all their goods can be transferred to the Twin Maidens in a worst case scenario.
An important note: since the v1.03 update, merchants (and other important NPCs) are now marked with an icon on the world map if you have found them and talked to them at least once. This makes navigation much easier. Some of the early merchants will also sell low-level Smithing Stones now, too.

Merchant locations in Limgrave
In the starting area Limgrave, there are the following merchants to discover:
- Merchant Kalé
- Nomadic Merchant (North Limgrave)
- Nomadic Merchant (East Limgrave)
- Nomadic merchant (West Limgrave)
- Patches
- Gatekeeper Gostoc
- Abandoned Merchant (Siofra River)
Merchant Kalé
Location: Church of Elleh. Kalé is the first merchant you come across in the normal course of the game.

Here is everything you can purchase from this merchant and what each item costs:
- Throwing dagger: 40 runes
- 1x Telescope: 500 runes
- 5x Furlcalling Finger Remedy: 1000 runes
- 3x Cracked Pot: 300 runes
- 1x Crafting Kit: 300 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (1): 500 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (2): 500 runes
- Missionary's Cookbook (1): 1000 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Torch: 200 runes
- Large Leather Shield: 600 runes
- Chain Coif: 1000 runes
- Chain Armour: 1500 runes
- Chain Gauntlets: 1000 runes
- Chain Leggings: 1000 runes
- Note - Flask of Wondrous Physick: 200 runes
- Note - Waypoint Ruins: 200 runes
Nomadic Merchant (North Limgrave)
Location: A campfire located between the Sites of Grace 'Saintsbridge' and 'Summonwater Village Outskirts'. Cross the bridge in an easterly direction, and you should hear him playing music once you've crossed it.

Here are the items you can buy from this merchant, including prices:
- 3x Pickled Turtle Neck: 800 runes
- 3x Smithing Stone (1): 200 runes
- 1x Cracked Pot: 600 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (3): 500 runes
- Short Sword: 600 runes
- Halberd: 1200 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Bandit Mask: 1500 runes
- Note: Flame Chariots: 300 runes
Nomadic Merchant (East Limgrave)
Location: Near the road between the Mistwood Ruins and Fort Haight. If you travel directly north from the Site of Grace 'Fort Haight West' toward the Minor Erdtree (Mistwood), you should come across him in no time.
Here is everything this merchant has to offer and how much each item costs:
- 5x Festering Bloody Finger: 1000 runes
- 5x Sliver of Meat: 500 runes
- 5x Beast Liver: 500 runes
- 3x Lump of Flesh: 800 runes
- 3x Trina's Lily: 1000 runes
- 3x Smithing Stone (1): 200 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (5): 1500 runes
- Armorer's Cookbook (3): 2000 runes
- Hand Axe: 600 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- 10x St Trina's Arrow: 160 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Riveted Wooden Shield: 600 runes
- Blue-gold Kite Shield: 1000 runes
Nomadic merchant (West Limgrave)
Location: A campfire under a stone structure, southeast of the Site of Grace 'Coastal Cave'.
Here are all of the items on offer through this merchant:
- 5x Neutralising Boluses: 600 runes
- 3x Staunching Boluses: 600 runes
- 2x Stimulating Boluses: 1500 runes
- 3x Smithing Stone (1): 200 runes
- Armorer's Cookbook (2): 600 runes
- Broadsword: 1800 runes
- Club: 600 runes
- Shortbow: 600 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Iron Roundshield: 900 runes
- Note: Land Squirts: 200 runes
- Note: Stonedigger Trolls: 400 runes
Location: Murkwater Cave. To unlock him as a merchant, you need to defeat the cave's intruders and then fight Patches as a boss. He'll surrender and become a merchant afterwards. He will move on to Liurnia to the Site of Grace 'Scenic Isle', and you can also meet him again at Volcano Manor with a slightly expanded inventory. For full details, see our Patches quest walkthrough.

These are all of the items you can buy from Patches:
- 3x Gold Pickled Fowl Foot: 600 runes
- 20x Fan Daggers: 160 runes
- 1x Margit's Shackle: 5000 runes
- 15x Grace Mimic: 100 runes
- Glass Shards: 100 runes
- 3x Furlcalling Finger Remedy: 1000 runes
- 5x Festering Bloody Finger: 1000 runes
- 1x Stonesword Key: 5000 runes
- Missionary's Cookbook (2): 800 runes
- Parrying Dagger: 1600 runes
- 10x Great Arrow: 300 runes
- 5x Ballista Bolts: 300 runes
- Horse Crest Wooden Shield: 1000 runes
- 1x Sacrifical Twig: 5000 runes
Gatekeeper Gostoc
Location: Stormveil Castle entrance. He will point out an alternative entrance as part of Gostoc's quest. He also serves as a merchant once you have found the Rusty Key in the castle.
These are all of the items you can buy here:
- 3x Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot: 2000 runes
- 5x Ruin Fragment: 100 runes
- 4x Furlcalling Finger Remedy: 1000 runes
- 2x Festering Bloody Finger: 1000 runes
- 5x Stormhawk Feather: 500 runes
- Caestus: 800 runes
- 5x Great Arrow: 300 runes
- 5x Ballista Bolts: 300 runes
- Buckler: 1500 runes
- Bandit Garb: 1500 runes
- Bandit Manchettes: 1000 runes
- Bandit Boots: 1000 runes
Abandoned Merchant (Siofra River)
Location: Underground, inside the ruins of Central Siofra River. Head west from the Site of Grace 'Worshippers' Woods' to a conspicuous wooden scaffold that can be climbed using the stairs and ladders. At the top, jump right to a platform below you and follow the path behind the waterfall into the ruins. Here you will find the merchant.
Here are all of the things you can buy from this merchant, including their prices:
- 3x Soap: 400 runes
- 5x Nascent Butterfly: 1500 runes
- 3x Stonesword key: 2000 runes
- 1x Larval Tear: 3000 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (17): 1000 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (18): 6000 runes
- Shotel: 2500 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- 30x Dwelling Arrow: 160 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
Merchant locations in Liurnia
The following merchants are available in Liurnia, the lake district in The Lands Between:
- Nomadic Merchant (South Liurnia of the Lakes)
- Isolated Merchant (Raya Lucaria Academy)
- Nomadic Merchant (North Liurnia of the Lakes)
- Smithing Master Iji (Western Liurnia of the Lakes)
- Pidia, Carian Servant
- Hermit Merchant (Ainsel River)
- Blackguard Big Boggart
Nomadic Merchant (South Liurnia of the Lakes)
Location: Right next to the Site of Grace 'Liurnia Lakeshore'. You'll pass through here after the fight against Godrick when exploring Liurnia for the first time.
Here are all of the items this merchant has to offer:
- Lantern: 1800 runes
- 5x Smithing Stone (1): 200 runes
- 3x Smithing Stone (2): 400 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (11): 1500 runes
- Estoc: 3000 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Kite Shield: 1000 runes
- Astrologer's Staff: 800 runes
- Astrologer Hood: 1000 runes
- Astrologer's Robe: 1500 runes
- Astrologer's Gloves: 1000 runes
- Astrologer's Trousers: 1000 runes
Isolated Merchant (Raya Lucaria Academy)
Location: At a campfire near the Site of Grace 'South Raya Lucaria Gate'. If you approach from the Main Academy Gate, don't take the lift in the building on the left, but turn around and walk through the blue seal (don't click on it). Behind some wolves, you will find the merchant at a campfire.
Here's everything this merchant sells:
- 8x Festering Bloody Finger: 1500 runes
- Fanged Imp Ashes: 2000 runes
- 3x Trina's Lily: 1000 runes
- 1x Eye of Yelough: 1500 runes
- 3x Stonesword Key: 3000 runes
- 1x Lost Ashes of War: 4000 runes
- Fevor's Cookbook (20)B: 3500 runes
- 20x St Trina's Arrow: 160 runes
- Meteor bolts: 120 runes
- Blue Cloth Cowl: 1000 runes
- Blue Cloth Vest: 1500 runes
- Warrior Gauntlets: 1000 runes
- Warrior Greaves: 1000 runes
- 3x Sacrificial Twig: 3000 runes
- Note: The Preceptor's Secret: 1200 runes
- Note: Revenants: 800 runes
- Note: Frenzied Flame Village: 800 runes
Nomadic Merchant (North Liurnia of the Lakes)
Location: A campfire near Bellum Church, just further down the cliffs to the north of the church ruins.
These are all of the items you can buy at this merchant:
- 3x Rune Arc: 4000 runes
- 3x Immunizing Cured Meat: 2000 runes
- 3x Invigorating White Cured Meat: 2000 runes
- 3x Clarifying White Cured Meat: 2000 runes
- 5x Bewitching Branch: 1600 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (13): 2000 runes
- Composite Bow: 3500 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Rift Shield: 1800 runes
- Blue Crest Heater Shield: 1500 runes
Smithing Master Iji (Western Liurnia of the Lakes)
Location: On the road next to the Site of Grace 'Road to the Manor', near the Kingsrealm Ruins. This gentle giant sits peacefully and, as his name implies, sells smithing supplies.
This is everything you can buy here:
- Somber Smithing Stone (1): 2000 runes
- Somber Smithing Stone (2): 3000 runes
- 3x Somber Smithing Stone (3): 4000 runes
- 3x Somber Smithing Stone (4): 6000 runes
- Carian Filigreed Crest: 5000 runes
Pidia, Carian Servant
Location: Inside Caria Manor, in the Three Sisters sub-region of Liurnia. You must go southwest and drop down several times to find a way to the rear of the Caria estate via the rooftops. Take the ladder down and you'll end up in front of this merchant.

Here's a list of everything this merchant offers:
- 2x Budding Horn: 1500 runes
- 3x Old Fang: 800 runes
- 2x Slumbering Egg: 600 runes
- 1x Ritual Pot: 1500 runes
- 1x Celestial Dew: 5000 runes
- Larval Tear: 3000 runes
- Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook (7): 2500 runes
- Ash of War: Carian Retaliation: 3000 runes
- Ripple Blade: 3500 runes
- Black Leather Shield: 2500 runes
- Weathered Map: 600 runes (for Seluvis' Quest)
Hermit Merchant (Ainsel River)
Location: To the north of the Site of Grace 'Ainsel River Downstream' in Elden Ring's underground. You can reach this area via the Ainsel River Well. Follow the river down to the Uhl Palace Ruins. There you will find the merchant in the chamber below the Malformed Star insect enemy on the ceiling.
Here are all of the things you can get here:
- 20x Gravity Stone Fan: 200 runes
- 10x Gravity Stone Chunks: 300 runes
- 1x Lost Ashes of War: 3000 runes
- 1x Celestial Dew: 7500 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (16): 2500 runes
- Perfumer's Cookbook (4): 3000 runes
- Prisoner Iron Mask: 1000 runes
- Prisoner Clothing: 1500 runes
- Prisoner Trousers: 1000 runes
Blackguard Big Boggart
Location: Boilprawn Shack in the swamps of Liurnia. He doesn't sell much apart from seafood, but he does have Rya's Necklace. You'll also meet him later in the outskirts of Leyndell, Royal Capital.
These are all of the items this merchant sells:
- Cooked prawn: 600 runes
- Cooked crab: 600 runes (from Leyndell)
- Rya's necklace: 1000 runes
Merchant locations in The Weeping Peninsula
There are only two merchants to find in the Weeping Peninsula - one to the south of the peninsula, and the other in the western part of the area. Here's where you can track them down:
Nomadic Merchant (Castle Morne Ramparts)
Location: A campfire near the Site of Grace 'Castle Morne Ramparts', which is halfway between the Bridge of Sacrifice in the north and Castle Morne in the south of the peninsula.
These are all of the items you can purchase here:
- Kukri: 60 runes
- 3x Smithing Stone (1): 200 runes
- 1x Smithing Stone (2): 400 runes
- 1x Cracked Pot: 600 runes
- 1x Stonesword key: 2000 runes
- Bastard Sword: 3000 runes
- Light Crossbow: 1500 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- 8x Great Arrow: 300 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- 8x Ballista Bolts: 300 runes
- Red Thorn Roundshield: 600 runes
- Round Shield: 1000 runes
- Iron Helmet: 1500 runes
- Scale Armour: 2400 runes
- Iron Gauntlets: 1500 runes
- Leather Trousers: 1500 runes
- Crimson Amber Medallion: 1500 runes
- Note: Demi-human Mobs: 500 runes
Isolated Merchant (Weeping Peninsula)
Location: Isolated Merchant's Shack, in the most westerly point of the Weeping Peninsula's western area. It even has its own fast travel point, the Site of Grace 'Shack (Weeping Peninsula)'.

Here are all of the items you can get from this merchant:
- Lantern: 1800 runes
- 5x Festering Bloody Finger: 1000 runes
- 5x Arteria Leaf: 600 runes
- 3x Smithing Stone (2): 400 runes
- 3x Stonesword Key: 2000 runes
- 1x Lost Ashes of War: 3000 runes
- Zweihander: 3500 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- 15x Great Arrow: 300 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- 15x Ballista Bolts: 300 runes
- 3x Sacrificial Twig: 3000 runes
- Note: Wandering Mausoleum: 600 runes
Merchant locations in Caelid
You can find the following merchants in the Caelid area, which is located in the southern region of the game world.
- Nomadic Merchant (Highway South)
- Nomadic Merchant (Highway North)
- Isolated Merchant (Western Dragonbarrow)
- Imprisoned Merchant (Mohgwyn Palace)
Nomadic Merchant (Highway South)
Location: By the road at a campfire near the Site of Grace 'Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank'. You can also ride east from the Site of Grace 'Caelid Highway South' towards Sellia, and you'll see him on your right.
Here is a list of all of the items you can purchase from this merchant, including their prices:
- Cracked Pot: 1500 runes
- 1x Stonesword key: 4000 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (15): 4000 runes
- Arrows: 20 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Flaming Bolts: 120 runes
- Champion Headband: 1000 runes
- Great Helm: 1800 runes
- Champion Pauldron: 1500 runes
- Champion Bracers: 1000 runes
- Champion Gaiters: 1000 runes
- Note: Gravity's Advantage: 800 runes
Nomadic Merchant (Highway North)
Location: Between the Site of Grace 'Astray from Caelid Highway North' and 'Aeonia Swamp Shore'.

These are all of the items you can buy here:
- 3x Preserving Boluses: 2500 runes
- Poisonbone Dart: 120 runes
- Poisoned Stone: 150 runes
- Poisoned Stone Clump: 250 runes
- 5x Aeonian Butterfly: 1500 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Fire Arrow: 120 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
Isolated Merchant (Western Dragonbarrow)
Location: Isolated Merchant Shack in the north-western region of Caelid. After a visit there, you can activate his dedicated Site of Grace 'Isolated Merchant's Shack (Dragonbarrow)' to fast travel back to him.
Here are the items this merchant offers:
- 2x Dragonwound Grease: 3000 runes
- 8x Festering Bloody Finger: 1500 runes
- 10x Gravel Stone: 2000 runes
- 1x Ritual Pot: 3000 runes
- 2x Lost Ashes of War: 5000 runes
- Spiked Caestus: 4000 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Serpent Arrow: 120 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Beast-repellent Torch: 1200 runes
- Land of Reeds Helmb: 1000 runes
- Land of Reeds Armour: 1500 runes
- Land of Reeds Gauntlets: 1000 runes
- Land of Reeds Greaves: 1000 runes
- 3x Sacrificial Twigs: 3000 runes
- Note - Gateway: 1200 runes
- Note - Hidden Cave: 1200 runes
Imprisoned Merchant (Mohgwyn Palace)
Location: Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum (which is spatially located below Caelid in the underground). As you pass through the mausoleum, you'll meet him in the tunnel on the left in a dead end, guarded by a Sanguine Noble.
Here is a list of the items you can get here, plus their prices:
- 3x Rune Arc: 8000 runes
- 3x Staunching Boluses: 1200 runes
- 10x Festering Bloody Finger: 2000 runes
- Bloodrose: 800 runes
- 5x Stonesword Key: 5000 runes
- 1x Lost Ashes of War: 5000 runes
- Dwelling Arrow: 160 runes
- Burred Bolt: 200 runes
Merchant locations in the Atlus Plateau
The following merchants have positioned themselves in and around the Altus Plateau and are selling their wares:
Hermit Merchant (Leyndell)
Location: Hermit Merchant's Shack outside Leyndell, Royal Capital. He has his own Site of Grace, but he's also near the Site of Grace 'Outer Wall Battleground', just a little way north.

These are the things this merchant offers:
- 3x Rune Arc: 4000 runes
- Festering Bloody Finger: 3000 runes
- 10x Golden Sunflower: 300 runes
- 1x Perfume Bottle: 2000 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Golden Arrow: 120 runes
- Great Arrow: 300 runes
- Golden Great Arrow: 500 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Golden Bolt: 120 runes
- Ballista Bolts: 300 runes
- Sentry's Torch: 7000 runes
- Distinguished Greatshield: 5500 runes
- Prophet Blindfold: 1000 runes
- Prophet Robe: 1500 runes
- Prophet Trousers: 1000 runes
- Upper-class Robe: 2400 runes
- Consort's Trousers: 1500 runes
- Note - Under the capital: 800 runes
Nomadic Merchant (West Atlus Plateau)
Location: A campfire northwest of the capital near the Site of Grace 'Forest-Spanning Bridge'. It's also very near the Atlus Plateau Bridge Waygate teleporter.
Here are the items you can buy from this merchant, including their prices:
- 3x Festering Bloody Finger: 2000 runes
- 8x Gravel Stone: 2000 runes
- 3x Stonesword Key: 4000 runes
- Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook (2): 4500 Runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Lightning Bolt: 160 runes
- Red Crest Heater Shield: 2500 runes
- Scorpion Kite Shield: 2000 runes
- Crossed Tree Towershield: 3800 runes
- Tree Surcoat: 3500 runes
- Note - Unseen Assassins: 2000 runes
- Note - Imp Shades: 1200 runes
Merchant locations in Gelmir
A single merchant can be found in the north-western region of Gelmir:
Nomadic Merchant (Mt Gelmir)
Location: Near the Corpse-Stench Shack past the Bridge of Iniquity to the west. Once you're at the shack, look for a rope ladder on the left-hand side by the rock face. This will take you to the merchant.
Here is a list of all of the items this merchant has for you:
- 1x Stonesword Key: 5000 runes
- Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (20): 3000 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Great arrow: 300 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Explosive Bolt: 160 runes
- Ballista Bolts: 300 runes
- Explosive Greatbolt: 800 runes
- Guilty Hood: 500 runes
- Confessor Hood: 1000 runes
- Confessor Armor: 1500 runes
- Confessor Gloves: 1000 runes
- Confessor Boots: 1000 runes
Merchant locations in The Mountaintop of the Giants
A single merchant has set up shop on the snow-covered summit of the giants:
Hermit Merchant (East)
Location: Just south of the Stargazer's Ruins, near the Site of Grace 'Ancient Snow Valley Ruins' in the centre of the mountaintop.
This is a list of the items this merchant has and their prices:
- 3x Rune Arc: 8000 runes
- 10x Thawfrost Boluses: 1200 runes
- 3x Stonesword Key: 5000 runes
- Missionary's Cookbook (7): 7500 runes
- Arrow: 20 runes
- Great arrow: 300 runes
- Bolt: 40 runes
- Ballista Bolts: 300 runes
- Lightning Greatbolt: 500 runes
- Vagabond Knight Helm: 1000 runes
- Vagabond Knight Armor: 1500 runes
- Vagabond Knight Gauntlets: 1000 runes
- Vagabond Knight Greaves: 1000 runes
Need more help? Jump back to our Elden Ring walkthrough, or our guide to findings merchants in Erdtree.