All Stellar Blade Camp locations
Where to find all 91 Camps in Stellar Blade.
Camps are rest areas in Stellar Blade that allow Eve to put her feet up while you save your progress, and bigger Camps also have areas for upgrading Skills, the drone, Expospines, and for crafting new Nano Suits.
Finding all Camps also pops the 'Meticulous Explorer' Trophy, so whether you're a Trophy-hunter, or just looking for a place to rest and upgrade equipment, we've detailed all Camp locations in Stellar Blade below.
Beware of some slight spoilers if you're reading beyond the area you're in!
For more help with Eve's journey in Stellar Blade, we've got pages on how to get all fish, where to find all outfits, and all Can locations.
On this page:
How to unlock all Camps in Stellar Blade
There are a total of 91 Camps to find in Stellar Blade, and generally, you just have to pick up the Vitcoin found in each Camp and use it on the Camp's vending machine to activate it. Doing this eventually leads to you unlocking all Camps in Stellar Blade. However, it's important to note that the six Camps on Eidos 9 are only reachable if you get the Lily progress bar to 100 percent before choosing to embark to Spire 4 at the point of no return. Doing this unlocks a bonus mission for Lily on Eidos 9 before going to Spire 4.
We have more information in our endings guide, but in short, you can fill the Lily progress bar to 100 percent by just picking up every Data Entry log you come across while exploring. You don't need them all, but picking up every one you see should fill the bar well before the point of no return.

Unfortunately, you can only see the status of the Lily bar after picking up a Data Entry log that fills it, so keep an eye on the top right-hand corner of the screen while picking up each Data Entry to keep track of its progress while exploring.
Additionally, the final two Camps in Stellar Blade are found in secret areas unlocked as part of the story right at the end of the game. The Camps are in fairly obvious places, but we've listed their locations below, just in case! Keep in mind that these final two entries contain some slight spoilers.
All Eidos 7 Camp locations in Stellar Blade
There are 14 Camps to find in the Eidos 7 area, but there is no map available to check your unlocked Camps against.
Here's where to find all Eidos 7 Camp locations in Stellar Blade:
Eidos 7 Camp 1
Location: Look to the left right before you jump and swing across the collapsed road near the beginning to find the first Camp in Stellar Blade.

Eidos 7 Camp 2
Location: Right in front of you after climbing up the ladder that takes you out of the first swimming section.

Eidos 7 Camp 3
Location: In the small parking lot corridor found just under the stairs where you fight the first boss, Abaddon.

Eidos 7 Camp 4
Location: On the parking lot roof where you fight the first boss, Abaddon.

Eidos 7 Camp 5
Location: Under the statute directly opposite the parking lot's exit.

Eidos 7 Camp 6
Location: Immediately after jumping from the ascender zipline in the flooded abandoned station.

Eidos 7 Camp 7
Location: Just outside the monorail building in the flooded part of Eidos 7.

Eidos 7 Camp 8
Location: Behind the locked gate you need to find a passcode to open. This locked gate is found to the right of Camp 7.

Eidos 7 Camp 9
Location: In the area you jump down to after inputting the Clock Tower code to reach the ladder behind the locked gate.

Eidos 7 Camp 10
Location: Look right after climbing up the ladder on the crumbling motorway to spot this Camp.

Eidos 7 Camp 11
Location: This Eidos 7 Camp is right in the middle of the construction area.

Eidos 7 Camp 12
Location: Look in the room on the left after entering the City Underground Sector reached by solving the crane puzzle to find this Camp.

Eidos 7 Camp 13
Location: To the right of the red switch you need to press in the City Underground Sector to flood the area below.

Eidos 7 Camp 14
Location: Right before the Gigas boss fight, after exiting the City Underground Sector.

All Xion Camp locations in Stellar Blade
There are only two Camps to find in the Xion area, and they're pretty hard to miss, as you come across both as part of the early story. Here's where to find all Xion Camp locations in Stellar Blade:
Xion Camp 1
Location: Right beside the Tetrapod, by Lily and Adam.

Xion Camp 2
Location: In the corridor you come to after taking the shuttle to see Orcal.

All Wasteland Camp locations in Stellar Blade
There are 11 Camps to find in the open Wasteland area, and here's a picture showing where to find all Wasteland Camp locations in Stellar Blade:

All Altess Levoire Camp locations in Stellar Blade
There are five Camps to find in the linear Altess Levoire area, but there is no map available to check your unlocked Camps against.
Here's where to find all Altess Levoire Camp locations in Stellar Blade:
Altess Levoire Camp 1
Location: Through the door reached right after the long walkway filled with exploding Naytiba.

Altess Levoire Camp 2
Location: In the corridor right after the platforming course where you have to jump on the platforms in the correct symbol pattern.

Altess Levoire Camp 3
Location: At the bottom of the elevator in the Top-Secret Research Complex. This area is right after the Hyper Cell laser puzzle.

Altess Levoire Camp 4
Location: Right in front of the elevator you take up after defeating the horde of Naytiba enemies while trapped by lasers.

Altess Levoire Camp 5
Location: At the end of the long corridor you come to after destroying the Nyatiba attached to a fan. The camp is to the right of the ladder leading to the Maelstrom boss.

All Matrix 11 Camp locations in Stellar Blade
There are 12 Camps to find in the linear Matrix 11 area, but there is no map available to check your unlocked Camps against.
Here's where to find all Matrix 11 Camp locations in Stellar Blade:
Matrix 11 Camp 1
Location: Right beside the Tetrapod, outside of Matrix 11.

Matrix 11 Camp 2
Location: Down the yellow ladder you come across soon after encountering your first Skull Berserker Naytiba. The Skull Berserker comes right after you kill the Naytiba blocking your way through a train car.

Matrix 11 Camp 3
Location: Just before the Collapsed Rail Bridge you have to cross by balancing on beams.

Matrix 11 Camp 4
Location: At the end of the first outside Collapsed Rail Bridge section, after Eve does her best Nathan Drake impression and nearly drops from a falling train car.

Matrix 11 Camp 5
Location: At the little rest area with a dartboard you come to after destroying the Naytiba blocking your path. This happens just before the Rail Yard boss fight with Stalker.

Matrix 11 Camp 6
Location: Behind the door you unlock after solving the train code puzzle.

Matrix 11 Camp 7
Location: Down the small staircase you come to soon after crossing the room you had to flood.

Matrix 11 Camp 8
Location: Up the ladder in the secret hideout.

Matrix 11 Camp 9
Location: Right after taking the big lift down that triggers a not-so-surprising Naytiba ambush.

Matrix 11 Camp 10
Location: At the top of the room you fight the Juggernaut boss in.

Matrix 11 Camp 11
Location: Up the stairs you take right after entering the code to leave the flooded train car area.

Matrix 11 Camp 12
Location: This Camp is unmissable, as a cutscene triggers its activation at the end of Matrix 11, right before a boss fight.

All Great Desert Camp locations in Stellar Blade
Including the one at the Tetrapod, there are 19 Camps to find in the open Great Desert area, and here's a picture showing where to find all Great Desert Camp locations in Stellar Blade:

All Abyss Levoire Camp locations in Stellar Blade
There are seven Camps to find in the linear Abyss Levoire area, but there is no map available to check your unlocked Camps against.
Here's where to find all Abyss Levoire Camp locations in Stellar Blade:
Matrix 11 Camp 1
Location: Through the first door you come to in Abyss Levoire, after a Naytiba tries to ambush you.

Matrix 11 Camp 2
Location: After deactivating the fans and deadly moving obstacles, go to the end of the room and look right to find this Matrix 11 Camp.

Matrix 11 Camp 3
Location: Behind the door at the end of the Capsule Cluster Room, the long area with floating platforms.

Matrix 11 Camp 4
Location: Unlock the gate in the room after Camp 3 then head up the stairs to find Camp 4 at the top.

Matrix 11 Camp 5
Location: Right after the hoard of Naytibas in the narrow corridor - opposite a small lift.

Matrix 11 Camp 6
Location: In a very small room you naturally find soon after the laser platforming section located after taking the lift near Camp 5.

Matrix 11 Camp 7
Location: Right before the Maelstrom boss at the end of Matrix 11.

All Eidos 9 Camp locations in Stellar Blade
Eidos 9 is a bonus area unlocked by getting the Lily progress bar to 100% before choosing to embark to Spire 4 at the point of no return. There are six Camps to find in the Eidos 9 area, but there is no map available to check your unlocked Camps against.
Here's where to find all Eidos 9 Camp locations in Stellar Blade:
Eidos 9 Camp 1
Location: At the start of Sector 2 - the ferris wheel and fallen 'Welcome to Eidos 9' sign in the distance can help you track it down.

Eidos 9 Camp 2
Location: Under the staircase opposite the locked gate with a Cocoon, lots of Naytiba, and yellow school buses behind it.

Eidos 9 Camp 3
Location: Opposite the rooftop with the Cocoon, lots of Naytiba, and yellow school buses. Climb up the first ladder to find the Camp.

Eidos 9 Camp 4
Location: Surf down the left-hand side of the red tracks to reach the optional Submerged City area, then look left to spot this Camp.

Eidos 9 Camp 5
Location: Right before the Corrupter boss fight at the top of the Submerged City area.

Eidos 9 Camp 6
Location: Right at the end of Eidos 9, on the island where Lily's Atelier secret hideout is.

All Spire 4 Camp locations in Stellar Blade
There are 13 Camps to find in the linear Spire 4 area, but there is no map available to check your unlocked Camps against.
Here's where to find all Spire 4 Camp locations in Stellar Blade:
Spire 4 Camp 1
Location: Up the ladder on the left-hand side of the outside dam area.

Spire 4 Camp 2
Location: Up the stairs soon after the wallrunning section inside the dam, where the floor below you is collapsing.

Spire 4 Camp 3
Location: Up the stairs in the large room you come to after fighting Belial for the first time.

Spire 4 Camp 4
Location: At the end of the section where you have to jump from containers and ledges to get past the lasers, just before the conveyor belt of boxes and lasers.

Spire 4 Camp 5
Location: At the end of the conveyor belt of boxes and lasers.

Spire 4 Camp 6
Location: Under the yellow rope leading to the turret section outside, the area before Orca Space Station.

Spire 4 Camp 7
Location: In the lobby of Orca Space Station.

Spire 4 Camp 8
Location: Before the second boss fight with Belial, in the area you have to restore power to in order to access it.

Spire 4 Camp 9
Location: In the moving circular room you come to after fighting Belial in the Orca Space Station. Look left after entering the room to spot the Camp.

Spire 4 Camp 10
Location: In the Maintenance Sector of Orca Space Station, across the beams marked with yellow paint.

Spire 4 Camp 11
Location: Look left after speaking with Arisa on the passenger lift to find this Camp.

Spire 4 Camp 12
Location: This Camp is unmissable, as it automatically activates during a cutscene in the Prestige Lounge area.

Spire 4 Camp 13
Location: Right before the Democrawler boss fight in the High Orbit Station area.

Final Camp locations in Stellar Blade
The last two Camps in Stellar Blade are found in secret areas that unlock as part of the end of the story. They are placed right before two boss battles, so are almost unmissable.
Just in case, here's where to find the final two Camp locations in Stellar Blade:
Final Camp 1
Location: Right before the boss fight with Raven in the Wasteland, on your way to find Adam.

Final Camp 2
Location: Right before speaking to Adam in the Nest area at the end of the game.

With that, you should pop the 'Meticulous Explorer' Trophy after finding the final camp in the Nest!