Black Marketeer locations in Palworld
Plus, how Black Marketeers work and when their stock rotates.
The Black Marketeer locations in Palworld are items of interest you'll want to learn about in your Pal-hunting journey, especially considering the stock they sell.
Tucked away in very particular locations, these NPCs can be difficult to find in Palworld and - unless you get lucky and encounter one by chance - you'll likely want at least some pointers to get you set in the right direction.
With that in mind, we've prepared this little guide to show you where to find Black Marketeers, as well as who the Black Marketeers are and what they sell.
On this page:
Palworld Black Marketeer locations at a glance
There are twelve locations that we've found so far at which you’ll find a Black Marketeer in Palworld, and they are often hidden away either in caves, or at relatively secret locations. Some are easier to find than others however.
Before continuing, it's worth noting at the top that, during the making of this guide - as of update version 1.1.4 at least - the Black Marketeers didn't always show up in each of these locations. Sometimes a reload fixed that, other times it didn't, and it's currently unknown whether or not they are supposed to be random spawns, or if this is a bug with the game right now, so bear that in mind should one not appear for you.
In terms of the locations themselves, below we’ve got an overall look at where you can find them thanks to our handy interactive map - which you might find to be a great accompaniment in your Black Marketeer search.
Thank you to Rock Paper Shotgun for creating this Palworld interactive map and letting Eurogamer borrow it.
Here is a high-level view of the Palworld Black Marketeer locations shown in the map above, each linking to a relevant section that'll detail more about how to find them:
- Mount Obsidian Black Marketeer location
- Windswept Hills 1 Black Marketeer location
- Windswept Hills 2 Black Marketeer location
- Windswept Hills 3 Black Marketeer location
- Eastern Wild Island Black Marketeer location
- Mount Flopie Black Marketeer location
- Investigator’s Fork Black Marketeer location
- No Man’s Trail Black Marketeer location
- Frostbound Mountains 1 Black Marketeer location
- Frostbound Mountains 2 Black Marketeer location
- Sand Dunes 1 Black Marketeer location
- Sand Dunes 2 Black Marketeer location
Palworld Black Marketeer locations and how to find
Some of the Black Marketeer NPCs in the world may require a bit of a trek to reach depending on where you're travelling from, and how early on into the game you are - you’ll find having various fast travel points available to be rather helpful as it’ll allow you to hop between the map to more quickly reach the general area of where a Black Marketeer is located.
You’ll find some hidden at high points on mountains and cliffs, whereas others are hidden on ground-level areas such as caves dotted around the map.

As for the overall order of locations, we’re generally starting from the far left side of the map, and working our way across to the upper right of the map - though some backtracking and doubling-back may be needed, particularly on the right side of the map.
Keep reading for further details on how to reach each Black Marketeer location, accompanied with images and map references to guide you further:
Mount Obsidian Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: Lower left side of Mount Obsidian, at the end of the beach
Nearest fast travel point: Beach of Everlasting Summer
Whilst it’s a bit of a trek to get there, this Black Marketer is in a fairly clear location, tucked away all the way at the end of a stretch of beach on the far left side of the map, at the bottom end of Mount Obsidian.

The closest fast travel point here is the Beach of Everlasting Summer, which is essentially just slightly north of where this Black Marketeer can be found. Either use that and head south down the coast, or follow the coast instead from another close fast travel point - Fisherman’s Point - and you’ll find him where the beach ends and connects into more rocky terrain.
Windswept Hills 1 Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: Lower left side of Windswept Hills, along the coast near orange trees
Nearest fast travel point: Sea Breeze Archipelago Church
This one is on the lower left side of the map, found along the coast and one of the few closest to where you start your Palworld journey. It's more or less directly east across the water from the Sea Breeze Archipelago Church fast travel point, and up on the side of the mountain.

If heading from that aforementioned fast travel point, once you climb up to the cliff - sticking to the coast as you go - you should find the Black Marketeer near some orange-leaved trees, with a tall bridge far off into the distance.
Windswept Hills 2 Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: Inside a cave on the rocky underside of the red-tree forest
Nearest fast travel point: Desolate Church
Found in a more difficult-to-find location when just looking at a map reference, this Black Marketeer is actually hidden inside a cave located underneath the area the map seems to suggest.

For this one, you’ll want to get on lower ground to the west of the area full of red trees and find the wide open sandy area - it’s slightly south-west of the Black Marketeer’s location on the map. Once down there, look towards the rocky formation above you and head underneath to find a path that leads up a bit and through an entrance. Enter this cave and you’ll find the Black Marketeer tucked away inside next to a campfire.

Windswept Hills 3 Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: North-east corner of Windswept Hills, between two fast travel points
Nearest fast travel points: Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings and Fort Ruins
This Black Marketeer is more or less directly between the Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings and Fort Ruins fast travel points, with the NPC being on the side of the river opposite to that of the Sealed Realm fast travel point.

If you're coming in from the Fort Ruins fast travel point, you'll want to be heading north-west, towards the left side of the grassy area on the map. If you're coming in from the side of the Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings fast travel point, you'll have a bit of a climb upwards, and then through a few trees, you can see the Black Marketeer stood overlooking a downhill area.
Eastern Wild Island Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: Near the centre of Eastern Wild Island, found in a rocky outcrop
Nearest fast travel points: Eastern Wild Island and Natural Bridge
Coming in from the top right corner of Eastern Wild Island, you'll have found the island's associated fast travel point. From there, you'll want to head west and slightly down to the left side of the rivers visible on the map.

Once you're nearly there, you'll reach a large open area that has a river running through it. Entering from the side of the Eastern Wild Island fast travel point was located, drop down into this area and look for a rocky outcrop that's connected to a large opening in the wall. In here, you'll find your Black Marketeer with a campfire, some barrels, and a guillotine for... reasons.
Mount Flopie Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: Stood opposite the two waterfalls, around halfway down
Nearest fast travel points: Mount Flopie Summit and Lake Center
This is one of the few Black Marketeers that didn't show up for me, but he's located in a ravine that's led into by two connecting waterfalls, slightly north-west of the Mount Flopie Summit fast travel point.

If looking towards the waterfalls, he'll be tucked away in a bit of a corner at the back left side of a grass-and-rocky area.
If you're instead entering with the waterfall behind you, stick to the right-hand side of the area and don't drop to the bottom. Following the wall around, you'll see him at the end of the path.
Investigator’s Fork Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: Inside a cave within a ravine below a nearby wooden bridge
Nearest fast travel points: Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant and Deep Bamboo Thicket
Next to the Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant fast travel point is a wooden bridge above a ravine, and the Black Marketeer is hidden within a nearby cave below - on the side opposite where the fast travel point is fount. You'll be able to spot its entrance by the wooden fences and torches lit up outside.

All you need to do is head through the tunnel here, and inside it'll open up into a big cave where the Black Marketeer will be stood, grinning intensely as ever. Say hi, pick up some Pals, or simply label this area with a marker on your map for future reference.
No Man’s Trail Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: At the top of a cliff, overlooking the huge snowy mountains in the north-east of the map
Nearest fast travel point: Icy Weasel Hill and Unthawable Lake
Heading here from the Icy Weasel Hill, you're looking at a short trek up west, following the nearby winding path up the hill. After reaching the end of the path, continue going up, keeping an eye out on the right side of the area to spot your Black Marketeer - he'll be stood near the edge, beyond the trees you pass coming up.

He should be on the right side looking out at the nearby snowy mountains, close to the very top of the cliff jutting out. This was another that didn't appear for me initially, but coming back later on and he had suddenly appeared with no issues.
Frostbound Mountains 1 Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: Next to a waterfall, just south of the snowy area in Frostbound Mountains
Nearest fast travel points: Free Pal Alliance Tower Entrance and Sealed Realm of the Swift
This Black Marketeer is stood next to a waterfall which you can find just south of the snowy area in Frostbound Mountains, and south-east from the Tower of the Free Pal Alliance Tower and fast travel point.

The waterfall you're looking for is in the lowermost corner of the snow-covered zone. Nearby are two small bodies of water, and the waterfall is closest to the one that's at the edge of the cliff. Drop all the way down from the top of the waterfall, and up on the grassy area to the right, you'll find the Black Marketeer waiting to strike a deal with you.
Frostbound Mountains 2 Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: On a stretch of rock pointing out from the northen end of Frostbound Mountains
Nearest fast travel points: Free Pal Alliance Tower Entrance and Sand Dunes Entrance
Going north from the Free Pal Alliance Tower Entrance fast travel point - or west from the Sand Dunes Entrance marker - you'll notice on the map a pointed extention of the island which is where you need to head.

Brave the cold or make your journey across from the desert, and when you eventually reach this area, you'll see the Black Marketeer stood at the very edge of the outcrop, overlooking the landscape in front of him.
Sand Dunes 1 Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: On the far left of the desert, near Duneshelter in the Sand Dunes region
Nearest fast travel points: Duneshelter and Sand Dunes Entrance
The first Black Marketeer in the Sand Dunes region is on the left side of the desert, looking out over the landscape and stood next to a small village with a destroyed market area within.

This is more or less the direct opposite area from which the next Black Marketeer can be found in this desert region, and it's more or less a straight line from here to there.
Sand Dunes 2 Black Marketeer location in Palworld
Location: Hidden in a cave on the lower-west edge of the rocky area where the Tower of the PIDF is found
Nearest fast travel points: PIDF Tower Entrance and Duneshelter
Similar to some of the others, the Black Marketeer is hidden within a cave. You'll know once you see it, as the entrance will be surrounded by wooden fences and lit torches.

You'll want to head for the eastern side of the desert region, specifically to the lower left side of the large rocky area where the Tower of the PIDF is found. Rather than climb up, stick to the ground and look out for the aforementioned wooden fences and the entrance. Head inside, follow the path around and you'll reach the interior where the Black Marketeer will be found.
If you’d like to take a more in-depth look at the possible locations of Black Marketeers with a holistic view of the world map, check out our interactive map – just toggle off all icons besides merchants, and click each remaining icon to see whether it’s a Pal Merchant or Black Marketeer.
Palworld Black Marketeers explained
As you explore the map of Palworld, you'll encounter all sorts from Pals, enemies, various locations, and more. One of the characters you may encounter are Black Marketeers, trader NPCs with a daily-rotating stock of Pals you can buy using Gold.
The main draw in particular here is that they often are selling rare Pals that aren’t as common in the open world.

You’re also able to sell your own Pals to them too, if you’re looking to get some Gold back on Pals you don’t need. You’re also able to sell human NPCs like Syndicate Thugs to them as well which can’t be done with other vendors in the game, allowing there to be an extended use for these too.

Since their stock rotates over time, it's another aspect to check each day you play, and one that'll help you catch the best Pals. Though of course, the prices aren't always cheap, so be prepared to have to spend a bit more if you do interact with this vendor.
If you're looking for more guides on Palworld, be sure to check out our pages covering how to get Lucky Pals, how to make Cake, a selection of tips and tricks for beginners, and more.