Elden Ring All Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone locations
Here's where to find all 13 of Elden Ring's most valuable smithing stones.
The Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones in Elden Ring are enhancement materials, and some of the rarest in the game. They're not to be confused with Elden Ring's Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones, which let you upgrade special weapons to +10.
You need them to upgrade regular Elden Ring weapons and armaments to level +25. You can find 13 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones per playthrough and thus also upgrade 13 standard weapons to the highest level.
Here are all of the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone locations in Elden Ring.
On this page:
Can you farm Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones in Elden Ring?
No, this does not work. The Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones are too rare and special to be collected like this. The few that can be found per playthrough are located in very special places, and you'll need to travel there to find each one individually. Read on to find out where to find all 13 locations for them.
All Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone locations in Elden Ring
Here are all of the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone locations in Elden Ring:
Stormveil Castle
The first can be obtained as a reward for completing Nepheli Loux's quest when you meet her again in Godrick's throne room in Stormveil Castle.
A stone can be bought from Gatekeeper Gostoc for 20,000 runes, provided he's still alive after completing Nepheli Loux's quest. You will also meet him in Godrick's throne room.
Academy of Raya Lucaria
You can get a stone as a reward for siding with Witch Hunter Jerren (also known as Castellan Jerren) during Sorceress Sellen's quest, and defeating the sorceress together with him.
Bestial Sanctum
One will be received from Gurranq in the Bestial Sanctum in Caelid after you have given him nine Deathroots to eat. Alternatively, you can also receive it by killing Gurranq, after defeating Maliketh.

Mountaintops of the Giants
Another can be found near the Church of Repose at the peak of the Mountaintops of the Giants. You'll find it by a corpse in a large, walk-in skull structure just a few metres south-east of the church. The stone lies in the mouth of the skull.

Consecrated Snowfield
A caravan pulled by two giants roams the Consecrated Snowfield north-east of the ruins of Yelough Anix. At night, two Night Cavalry mini-bosses will also spawn there, which you must defeat to obtain the stone.

Inside the Yelough Anix Tunnel. You'll need to defeat an Alabaster Lord near a gravity portal there, and then loot the corpse nearby that's next to a wooden wall.

Found on a corpse near the frozen waterfall right next to the Great Wyrm Theodorix (which you don't have to defeat for this).

Crumbling Farum Azula
One is dropped by the first dragon that flies in front of you when you follow the course of the Crumbling Farum Azula from the Site of Grace 'Crumbling Beast Grave' to the west.

After the fight against the Godskin Duo, start at the Site of Grace 'Dragon Temple Altar' and follow the northern corridor. Continue along the normal level progression in this section until you reach a spiral staircase on the right-hand side.
Follow the staircase upwards and go left over the round pillar that spans the abyss. The stone lies by a corpse on the edge on the left.

The next one is obtained as a reward for defeating the battered dragon (with the scratched HP bar) that shoots lightning bolts in the area southeast of the Site of Grace 'Dragon Temple Rooftop'.

Miquella's Haligtree
You can loot one from a corpse in Miquella's Haligtree under a statue guarded by a Lesser Leonine Misbegotten. Follow the course of the section from the Site of Grace 'Haligtree Town' to the Site of Grace 'Haligtree Town Plaza' to find it at the spot shown below:

You can get the final one after defeating Loretta Knight of the Haligtree, follow the rest of the area past the lift that takes you to Elphael and you will find the stone in a chest.
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