Elden Ring All teleporter locations and where they go
Here's where to find all of Elden Ring's Waygates, and where you will end up if you use them.
The teleporters and portals in Elden Ring are exactly what you would expect: opportunities for fast travel. There are quite a few of these to be found in the game world and they will take you to a specific location somewhere else in The Lands Between once they have been activated.
They can be used to explore certain areas early on, or to save time because you can simply skip certain routes. One exception are the transporter traps, as these look like treasure chests and teleport you somewhere else in Elden Ring without warning.
Here, we show you where to find all the teleporters in Elden Ring and where they drop you off.
On this page:
Elden Ring Teleporter locations in Limgrave
Here are all of the Teleporter locations in Limgrave:
Stormveil Castle
Location: On the broken tower bridge in the eastern part of the castle - the one with the three golems on it. At the end is the teleporter.

Destination: Takes you to the other end of the same bridge, where you can enter the Divine Tower of Limgrave after defeating Godrick and activating his Great Rune.
Third Church of Marika
Location: In a bush, a short distance north-east of the Third Church of Marika.

Destination: The Bestial Sanctum in Caelid. You will receive a clue to this portal from D, Hunter of the Dead.
Elden Ring Teleporter locations in Liurnia
Here are all of the Teleporters you can find in Liurnia:
East Liurnia
Location: A pavilion to the east of the Raya Lucaria Academy.

Destination: The north-western part of Liurnia near the Kingsrealm Ruins.
Laskyar Ruins
Location: In the Laskyar Ruins, you will find the teleporter in the pavilion behind the ghost that comes out of the water.

Destination: The southern gate of the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
Purified Ruins
Location: In the northern part of the Purified Ruins.

Destination: The main entrance of Academy of Raya Lucaria.
Academy of Raya Lucaria
Location: After you have passed the ramp with the iron ball, you will find the portal on the right on a small balcony.

Destination: The Church of Vows in East Liurnia.
Renna's Rise
Location: As soon as Renna's Rise in the Three Sisters area has opened as part of Ranni's quest, you will find the functioning teleporter at the top.

Destination: This will take you to Ainsel River Main.
The Four Belfries
Location: In the west of Liurnia, you will discover the Four Belfries on a small plateau. There are three teleporters there, each of which requires an Imbued Sword Key to open.

Destination: One of the portals will take you to a small section of the Crumbling Farum Azula, one to a section of Nokron, and the third back to the Chapel of Anticipation, where the game began.
Teleporter locations in Caelid
These are all of the Teleporter locations in Caelid:
Fort Gael
Location: While exploring Fort Gael, you will find the teleporter at the top of the watchtower.

Destination: The entrance of Redmane Castle.
Bridge in front of Redmane Castle
Location: At the Impassable Greatbridge in front of Redmane Castle. This teleporter is only active after the Radahn Festival has begun.

Destination: Takes you inside the castle, to the courtyard.
Redmane Castle
Location: Shortly before the boss fight against Starscourge Radahn, you have to take a lift down to the bottom. There you will find the teleporter.

Destination: The Wailing Dunes, a place in the east of Caelid, where you can fight Radahn.
Elden Ring Teleporter locations in Altus Plateau and Gelmir
Here are all of the Teleporter locations in Altus Plateau and Gelmir:
Forest-Spanning Greatbridge
Location: Next to the Site of Grace 'Forest Spanning Greatbridge' on the Altus Plateau (where the Nomadic Merchant is also located).

Destination: The northern end of the same bridge, where you will meet Goldmask as part of Brother Corhyn's quest.
Leyndell, Royal Capital
Location: On the Divine Bridge in the western part of the capital, but you can only get to it from the Fortified Manor side of the bridge, otherwise the portal won't be active.

Destination: The Isolated Divine Tower, where you can activate Malenia's Great Rune once you've defeated her.
Volcano Manor
Location: On a balcony when crossing the Volcano Manor dungeon, just before the boss fight.

Destination: Directly in front of the boss door for Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy.
Elden Ring Teleporter locations in Mountaintops of the Giants and Consecrated Snowfield
Here are all of the Teleporter locations in Mountaintops of the Giants and Consecrated Snowfiel:
Consecrated Snowfield
Location: East of the Albinauric Rise, you will find the teleporter near some biting wolves.

Destination: The northern side of the frozen river and near the Cave of the Forlorn.
Ordina, Liturgical Town
Location: In Ordina, you will find the teleporter in the north behind a staircase. You must first solve the Evergaol puzzle before it becomes accessible, though.

Destination: Miquella's Haligtree, a hidden legacy dungeon beyond the snowfield.
Consecrated Snowfield (West)
Location: In the west of the snowfield, you will discover this bloodstained teleporter northwest of the Yelough Anix Ruins.

Destination: Mohgwyn Palace, where you will reach the Site of Grace 'Palace Approach Ledge-Road', one of the best rune farming points in the entire game.
Elden Ring Teleporter locations in the Underworld
Here are all the Teleporter locations in the Underworld:
- Deeproot Depths #1
- Deeproot Depths #2
- Lake of Rot
- Siofra Aqueduct
- Night's Sacred Ground
- Siofra River (South)
- Siofra River (East)
Deeproot Depths #1
Location: In the north-west of the area, not far from the Site of Grace 'The Nameless Eternal City', you will find a coffin in which you can lie down. It also acts as a portal.

Destination: The Ainsel River Main region.
Deeproot Depths #2
Location: Next to the Site of Grace 'Prince of Death's Throne', which is an arena where you must fight Fia's champions. The teleporter becomes active once all the champions have been defeated, and have at least two Great Runes in your possession.
Note: It will be no longer be accessible once Leyndell has transformed into the Ashen Capital.

Destination: Leyndell's Capital Rampart, which lets you skip the fight against the Draconic Tree Sentinel on the Capital Outskirts.
Lake of Rot
Location: At the end of the Lake of Rot, you reach the Grand Cloister. There you can climb into a coffin at the end.

Destination: This takes you to the boss fight against Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, who in turn opens the entrance to the Moonlight Altar once he's been defeated.
Siofra Aqueduct
Location: After defeating the Valiant Gargoyles, another coffin will appear that you can climb into.

Destination: The Site of Grace 'Great Waterfall Crest' in the Deeproot Depths.
Night's Sacred Ground
Location: Next to the huge skeleton statue in Night's Sacred Grounds, under which you can find the Fingerslayer Blade for Ranni's Quest.

Destination: This takes you back to the Site of Grace 'Ancestral Woods', near where you first entered the Sacred Grounds.
Siofra River (South)
Location: On a small rocky island north-west of the Hallowhorn Grounds where you encounter the Ancestor Spirit.

Destination: The north-eastern part of the Siofra River.
Siofra River (East)
Location: Via a fallen pillar, you can reach a teleporter on a hill in the east of the Siofra River.

Destination: Take you to the waterfall below the aqueduct, where you can fight a Dragonkin Soldier (and find Marika's Scarseal behind the waterfall).
That's it for now! If you're looking for more help with Elden Ring, check out our Roderika's quest walkthrough or our page showing you how to complete Diallos's quest.