How to beat Sir Gideon Ofnir in Elden Ring
Leyndell, Ash Capital boss tips and strategy.
Sir Gideon Ofnir is a mandatory main boss fight that occurs near the conclusion of Elden Ring.
To face off against Sir Gideon Ofnir, you'll need to make it through Crumbling Farum Azula and into Leyndell, Royal Capital.
Sir Gideon Ofnir can be a pretty tough son of a gun to take down, but since spirit ash summons are available in this boss fight, we'd definitely recommend putting them to good use.
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How to prepare for Sir Gideon Ofnir
Sir Gideon Ofnir can be a strong magic user, if you give him enough breathing room.
Firstly, we'd recommend using the Mimic Tear Ash Summon for this boss encounter, since it can relentlessly press the boss and give him very little room to operate. Yes, the Mimic Tear has been nerfed since Elden Ring launched, but it's still a viable option for tanking damage and drawing Gideon's attention.

We'd also recommend using either a Blood or Frost special attack, infusing your weapon with either ability from an Ash of War. Just like the Mimic Tear, the Hoarfrost Stomp Ash of the War has seen a nerf, extending the casting time and slightly reducing the damage of the ability, but it's still good at dealing solid damage to Ofnir while he's distracted by the Mimic Tear.
Sir Gideon Ofnir tips: How to beat Sir Gideon Ofnir
As we mentioned previously, Sir Gideon Ofnir deals in Sorceries and Incantations. He can pepper you with spells throughout the battle, one of most common of which might be his array of spectral swords, which he summons up above him, and will spurt towards you should you get within whacking distance.
This is where the Bleed or Frost-based ability comes in handy, as you can strike at Gideon without getting too close.

Sir Gideon Ofnir will also send out either rotating discs of Holy damage at you, or a single, big, Glintstone projectile. Both of these can be countered by dodging through them, but with the spinning discs in particular, you'll want to make sure not to dodge too soon, as it'll leave you open for the projectiles to track you.

You know that incredibly overpowered beam spell that you've seen players killing bosses with in one hit?
Gideon has that. He can pull it off should you stray too far from him, and when you see him plant both feet and prepare for the attack, try to sprint as fast as you can right around him to deal some big damage while he's casting the spell.

Sir Gideon Ofnir actually has two special attacks, both of which depend on who you've defeated before him. If you defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood and tell Gideon of your deed before fighting him, he'll unleash a bloody flame attack in waves, which can cause Bleed damage to you.
This can be countered either by sprinting out of range, or by staggering Gideon by dealing significant damage before he casts the spell.
Alternatively, if you defeat Malenia, Blade of Miquella and tell Gideon about it prior to the fight, he'll turn into a lotus and slam into the ground, creating a massive area attack that builds up Scarlet Rot.
To counter this, you can either sprint out of range again, or actually roll underneath Sir Gideon Ofnir, because he can't change the direction of the attack once he's past a certain point in the casting phase.
Sir Gideon Ofnir reward
When Sir Gideon Ofnir is defeated, you'll earn 150,000 Runes in total for your efforts.
You'll also gain the All-Knowing armor set, which includes a helmet, armor, gauntlets, and greaves items, in addition to Sceptre of the All-Knowing.

With a former ally defeated, you can now venture on through what remains of Leyndell, Royal Capital, and finish the journey of Elden Ring.
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