Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Gold Saucer date explained
Loveless is in the air.
The iconic Gold Saucer date on the ferris wheel from the original returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but there are changes to how it works.
This time, you have to make sure to raise the relationship level of the party member you want to go on the ferris wheel date with, and there's an additional mini date a few chapters before the main one. To help you plan ahead, we've got a Gold Saucer date explainer for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth below, including what chapters the dates unlock in, and who you can go on the Gold Saucer dates with.
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On this page:
When is the Gold Saucer date in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
Although you go to the Gold Saucer for the first time in Chapter 8, you don't actually get to go on the full Gold Saucer date until Chapter 12 in FF7 Rebirth. This is because your first visit is more to acquaint you with the minigames and layout while continuing the story. However, you do get a mini date (that's cut short) with the party member Cloud has the highest relationship level with in Chapter 8.
Your proper trip to the ferris wheel being so late in the game is actually a good thing if you haven't been completing side content related to your chosen date partner, as you need to have a high enough relationship level with them to trigger their involvement in the date. This is beneficial for someone like Yuffie, who joins the party late in the game.

What characters can you date in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
Although classified as a date, not all trips to the ferris wheel are as romantic as they sound, and are more about expanding them as a character (or just having a fun night out).
The characters you can go on this date with in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are:
- Aerith
- Tifa
- Barret
- Red XII
- Yuffie
- Cid, Cait Sith and Vincent (main date only)
All dates in FF7 Rebirth are dependent on your relationship level, except the group outing with Cid, Cait Sith and Vincent, which is obtained by not meeting the minimum relationship level with any other character, or unlocked by repeating the ferris wheel sequence after completing the game and going into the extra settings from the menu.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Gold Saucer date explained
The ferris wheel moment is what most people refer to as the date scene in the original Final Fantasy 7, even if it wasn't technically a 'date' with all of the characters you could go on it with. It's the exact same in FF7 Rebirth, only there are more options, and technically two dates. Who Cloud goes on a date with is determined by his relationship level with the rest of the party.
The party member Cloud has the highest relationship level with will automatically go on the Gold Saucer date with him, as long as you meet the minimum relationship level with them. You don't actually have any choice in the matter during the moment. Without spoiling anything, you will get a knock on Cloud's room door during both Chapter 8 and Chapter 12 in the Gold Saucer - the person on the other side is who you will go on the mini date and full date with.

So, to go on the date with the person you want, make sure you have the highest relationship level with them before these moments in Chapter 8 and Chapter 12. You can raise relationship levels by picking the best dialogue options when they appear, doing well in unique events like the Junon Parade, using Synergy Abilities with Cloud for the first time, and completing character-specific side quests - like Tifa's Dreaming of Blue Skies quest in the Grasslands. Your goal should be for the relationship smiley face symbol to be blue, and have the highest number of rings around the edge if other characters have a blue smiley symbol as well.
If both characters have the exact same relationship level with Cloud, the one who is closest to gaining another relationship level will be picked for the date.
You can check the relationship level of a character at any time by holding down 'L1'.

One good thing worth noting is that you can experience the full Gold Saucer date in Chapter 12 with any character without having to repeat the game multiple times. However, you have to complete the game before you unlock the menu extra settings that lets you do this.
Have fun on your date!