How to get Bones and farm Bones in Palworld
Plus, a list of all Pals who drop Bones.
Learning how to get Bones in Palworld is valuable as you will need this material to create another one later on - Cement. Without Bones you cannot create this material, and Cement is needed to craft a whole host of late-game items to bolster your base.
As with most Palworld materials, gathering Bones is mostly a case of tracking down the right Pals and choosing whether to destroy them or spare their lives by enclosing them in a sphere until they become useful. That, or if you're rich enough, a Merchant will solve all your needs.
Without further ado, we're here to show you how to get Bones and farm Bones in Palworld.
On this page:
How to get Bones in Palworld
To get Bones in Palworld you need to defeat or capture any of the Pals that can drop it, or you can buy the raw material from a Wandering Merchant.
Here are all of the Pals that can drop Bones in Palworld:
- Vixy
- Rushoar
- Cawgnito
- Loupmoon
- Gorirat
- Vanwyrm (Cryst)
- Bushi
- Verdash
- Anubis
As soon as you defeat or capture a Pal that can drop Bones, the material will automatically appear in your inventory if they drop it.

Also, if you find a Wandering Merchant (there is always one at Small Settlement), you can often buy Bones from them for 100 Gold for one.

How to farm Bones in Palworld
To farm Bones in Palworld we recommend searching around the area from Small Settlement to the area between the Bridge of Twin Knights (-12, -373) and the Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings (119, -336) for Vixy and Rushoar as this is where you can mainly find both of them together.
These Pals are often at a low Level in this area, making it much easier to capture or defeat them to collect Bones. We've marked the area on the map below:

You can also venture to the Sea Breeze Archipelago, the fast travel point is at (-99, -712), to look for mid-level Rushoar. This Pal can usually be found roaming around the grassy forest area on the cliffs across the archipelago.
Now, Rushoar can be found at several points on the map but we found it easier to hunt them across this vast area when we exhausted the area listed above.
We've also highlighted this area on the map below for you:

Once you're Level 20 or above, you can even head to Mount Obsidian in the south west corner of the map to look for Vanwyrms. We've found that clusters of at least two or three Vanwyrm will hang around here at the base of the mountain and if you capture one you will have one of the best flying mounts on offer.

That's it for now! If you're looking for more Palworld content then check out our pages that show you how to make a dedicated server on Steam, our explainers on breeding Pals and incubating eggs, or even our page listing the best mounts if you want to get around quickly.