How to get Sulfur and farm Sulfur in Palworld
Plus, the best Sulfur farm locations.
Knowing how to get Sulfur in Palworld is something we recommend learning in the early hours of the game. This particular resource is used for making gunpowder for ammunition to give to your little Pals when they've been given weapons, which is why it's so useful.
As with most materials and resources in Palworld, it takes quite a bit of effort and survival knowledge to be able to get Sulfur. It's especially tricky as you need to figure out what a deposit actually looks like!
Without further ado, get ready to arm your Pals, as we're going to show you how to get Sulfur in Palworld and the best Sulfur farm locations we've found so far.
On this page:
How to get Sulfur in Palworld
To get Sulfur in Palworld you need to look for Sulfur deposits. These deposits look similar to normal rocks but they have a slight green/yellow coating on them that helps you to distinguish them from the others.

So far, these are the best places to find a Sulfur deposit in Palworld:
- Mount Obsidian - We found a large spawn point of deposits on Mount Obsidian, but it gets very hot here.
- Twilight Dunes - A desert-like environment at the coordinates -160, -114.
- Dungeons - There seem to be a few deposits in these, though not as many as the desert.

Best Sulfur farm locations in Palworld
To farm Sulfur in Palworld we recommend finding a rich deposit of it and either building a base around it where you assign specific Pals to mine for it, or looking for multiple deposits near a fast travel statue. Also, for our picks, we recommend taking a flying mount to make getting to each location easier.
We've found that one of the best Sulfur farm locations in Palworld is at these coordinates on Mount Obsidian (-499, -524). It's just south of the Mount Obsidian Midpoint fast travel point and east of the Eternal Pyre Entrance fast travel point. We've marked its location on the map below:

Mount Obsidian is a very hot region, so we highly advise making heat resistant armor before heading there or you risk being turned into a human crisp. This location is well-suited to building a base as the terrain is mostly flat and there are plenty of Sulfur deposits to target.
There will be some Level 35+ Pals hanging around that you will need to eliminate first.

If you choose to devote a base to Sulfur, then once you've created all the amenties to keep your working Pals happy (including some storage boxes for your materials), you will then need to assign Pals to it with the Mining and Transporting skills.
You can check which of your Pals have one or both of these skills by highlighting them in your Palbox.

Then, if there are no other jobs at the base they can do, your Pals should automatically start to gather Sulfur. Also, you can just use Pals with the Mining skill but if you have transporters you won't have to lift a finger.
However, if you don't want to devote an entire base to this resource, then we've found that one of the next best Sulfur farm locations in Palworld is on Mount Obsidian at these coordinates (-594, -531). We've marked its location on the map below for you too:

Yes, this is right outside the Eternal Pyre Tower but the deposits are also right next to a fast travel statue. In fact, they're so close that you can fill your pockets with the tons of Sulfur on offer here and take quick trips back to your own base to drop it off - no base building needed!

How to make a High Quality Workbench and Metal Pickaxe in Palworld
You need to have a High Quality Workbench and be level 11 to make a Metal Pickaxe in Palworld. We strongly advise taking the time to make this tool as it makes it far easier and faster to get Sulfur.
First, to build a High Quality Workbench you will need to be level nine to unlock it in the Technology tree and have the following materials:
- x15 Ingot
- x50 Wood
- x10 Nails
Once you've built your Workbench, you will need these materials to build a Metal Pickaxe:
- x15 Stone
- x20 Wood
- x5 Ingot

Once you have this tool, make sure you equip it to your character from your inventory and head off to the desert to get Sulfur.
That's it for now! If you're looking for more Palworld help, then check out our guides to the best Base locations, getting Ancient Technology Points and our list of the best Base Pals.