How to raise Pal Sanity in Palworld
The best ways to increase Pal SAN.
Raising Pal Sanity in Palworld is crucial for keeping your base up and running, and for making sure your Pal buddies are happy. There are multiple things that can impact your Pal's SAN (sanity), but they're easy to prevent once you know how.
The best way to make sure your base is running at its maximum efficiency in Palworld is to monitor this specific Pal statistic, ensure you're doing everything you can to keep Pals happy and to boost SAN when it gets too low.
Without further ado, we're here to explain Sanity and how to increase Pal Sanity in Palworld.
On this page:
Palworld Sanity explained
Pal Sanity in Palworld, known as SAN, shows you how happy your Pals are. If they're not happy or are stressed they will have a low Sanity level and this can eventually result in them taking too long to do a task, getting sick or completely refusing to work at all.
You will usually get a notification warning that a specific Pal's SAN has dropped too low. However, you can check a Pal's Sanity level yourself by either hovering over their icon in the Palbox and looking for the SAN bar or you can hover over them in your base to bring up their details at the bottom of your screen.

Any Pal that has a SAN level below 65 is a cause for concern and means that you need to do soemthing to increase their Sanity quickly.
How to increase Pal Sanity in Palworld
These are the best ways to increase Pal Sanity in Palworld. Some methods are faster and easier to do than others, but usually the more complex and costly ones work better. We do highly recommend doing everything you can to keep a Pal happy, otherwise your base will run into serious problems.
Create Beds
Your Pals will easily get stressed and lose SAN if there's nowhere for them to sleep! The earliest item you can build for this is the Straw Pal bed, but not all Pals can fit in this little square - especially large ones like Quivern.
Bigger Pals such as Quivern and Relaxaurus will need the Large Pal bed to sleep in, otherwise they will just sleep on the ground and recover very little SAN by doing so.
The kind of bed you build should be determined by which Pals you have working at your base, and how much you want to replenish their Sanity through sleep. These are currently all of the beds you can make in Palworld and the materials needed for them:
Straw Pal Bed - Level Three
- x10 Wood
- x5 Fiber
Fluffy Pal Bed - Level 24
- x10 Cloth
- x30 Wood
- x5 Nail
- x10 Fiber
Large Pal Bed - Level 36
- x10 High Quality Cloth
- x60 Wood
- x20 Nail
- x30 Fiber

Build Hot Springs
Another way of increasing Pal SAN, and one we highly recommend doing as soon as you build a base, is to build Hot Springs. They're essentially a nice, relaxing, warm bubble bath for your Pals to replenish their Sanity in after a long day of working for you.
Hot Springs can take up a lot of space in your base, but you'll only need to build one for all of your Pals to enjoy.
These are currently all of the Hot Spring recipes for Palworld and the materials you will need to build them:
Hot Spring - Level Nine
- x30 Wood
- x15 Stone
- x10 Paldium Fragment
- x10 Pal Fluids
High Quality Hot Spring - Level 31
- x100 Stone
- x100 Wood
- x30 Paldium Fragment
- x20 Cement

Feed Pals
Feeding your Pals at base should be a priority. If they're hungry, their Sanity will rapidly drop and it seems that even if there are food resources around (such as a Berry Bush), the best way to ensure they're fed is to build a Feed Box.
To build a basic Feed Box you will need the following materials and be Level Four to unlock the recipe:
- x20 Wood
Also, the higher quality meals you prepare and feed your Pals, the more SAN they'll recover. Yes, meals. You will need to cook actual full meals for some Pals and you can either feed them to a Pal directly to make sure they get to eat it, or you can place the meals into the Pal Feed Box.

Give Them Medicine
If a Pal's SAN level drops really low, they can get sick or sad and sometimes the easiest way to give them a little boost is to feed them medicine. You can build a Medicine Workbench and craft your own medicine, or you can purchase some medicines from Wandering Merchants (there's always one at Small Settlement).
You need to be Level 12 to unlock the recipe for the Medieval Medicine Workbench:
- x30 Wood
- x5 Nail
- x10 Paldium Fragment
The different medicines offer different benefits for your Pals, so pay attention to each of their descriptions to decide which one will help your Pal's ailments.

Lots of Praise
Another quick way of making sure your Pal is happy is to give them a little bit of attention. When you walk up to a Pal and hover over them, you should get a control prompt to 'Open Menu'. Use the prompted command and then select 'Pet' to stroke your Pal.
This lets the know they're appreciated and that they're doing a good job, which can instantly boost a chunk of their SAN. We recommend doing this at least once a day if you want to keep your Pals at their best.

Let Them Rest
Your Pals are often dilligent workers that will continously cycle between work and rest, but there may be points where everything you've done won't work for them. The best way to raise a Pal's SAN when you've done everything you can for them is to return them to the Palbox.
We recommend switching your base Pals out once a week (in real time) to help ensure that there aren't any massive SAN drops. We've also noticed that our Pal's Sanity would be lowered after a base raid left them extremely stressed, so keep an eye on them if you've been raided.

That's it for now! If you're looking for more Palworld content, check out our pages showing you how to play multiplayer and how to create a dedicated Steam server. If it's materials you need, look at our Pure Quartz farming page and Leather page to learn more.