Pokémon Go Season of Go hemisphere Pokémon, seasonal spawns and end date explained
Everything you need to know about the Season of Go.
The Season of Go is the seventh game-wide season in Pokémon Go and it will introduce the Ultra Beasts.
With the release of the extradimensional Ultra Beasts, this season continues the previous Season of Alola’s trend of releasing Gen 7 Pokémon. It also includes Go Fest 2022 and a crossover event with the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
Like every season, the Season of Go also sees changes to the egg charts, seasonal spawns and which Pokémon are appearing in which hemisphere in Pokémon Go.
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Pokémon Go Season of Go end date: When will Season of Go end?
The Season of Go has a start time of Wednesday, 1st June at 10am (local time) and an end date of Thursday, 1st September at 10am (local time).
Season 11 of the Go Battle League, including its traditional three leagues and special cups, will be running throughout this time period.

What do we know about the Season of Go in Pokémon Go?
Seasons are themed in-game periods which bring new updates and events to Pokémon Go and the Season of Go is the seventh to occur.
This Season of Pokémon Go is themed around Pokémon Go itself; unless I’ve misinterpreted the title completely and it’s actually themed around the concept of movement. Either way, this season will see the introduction of Ultra Beasts into Pokémon Go.
Ultra Beasts are a group of incredibly powerful extradimensional Pokémon who hail from the Ultra Space - an interdimensional spatial realm. The arrival of the Ultra Beasts was teased in a short video released on the official Pokémon Go Twitter on Tuesday, 24th May.
This video includes a shot of Nihilego - suggesting it will be the first Ultra Beast to appear in Pokémon Go - and a character, who we later learned was called Rhi, wearing clothes which may allow them to traverse Ultra Space.
Both Nihilego and Rhi were introduced to the game on Day Two - Sunday, 5th June - of Go Fest 2022 through the Rhi's Arrival and A Radiant World special research quests. Nihilego also appeared in five-star raids on this day.
With these two quests, the stage for this season's storyline was set - Rhi has arrived to our world from Ultra Space, the Ultra Beasts are arriving through similar wormholes and Professor Willow has disappeared...

Aside from the Ultra Beast release, the Season of Go sees the level requirement for obtaining Candy XL being lowered - now all Trainers Level 31 and above can collect and use Candy XL from Wednesday, 1st June at 10am (local time) onwards.
There are also eight bonuses running throughout the Season of Go:
- Lure Module duration extended to one hour.
- Increased Incense effectiveness while moving.
- Guaranteed Gifts from PokéStop spins.
- Increased damage for Pokémon participating in Raids remotely.
- Increased friendship bonus damage for raids.
- One extra Special Trade per day.
- One extra Pokémon Candy when trading Pokémon.
- Guaranteed Candy XL when trading Pokémon.
As always, a variety of events will be running throughout the Season of Go, with the following ones being confirmed from the Season’s launch:
- Go Fest 2022 - Saturday, 4th June and Sunday, 5th June
- Adventure Week - Tuesday, 7th June to Sunday, 12th June
- Pokémon TCG (Trading Card Game) Crossover Event - Thursday, 16th June to Thursday, 30th June
- Unannounced Community Day - Saturday, 25th June
- Unannounced Community Day - Sunday, 17th July
- Unannounced Community Day - Saturday, 13th August
- Go Fest Finale Event - Saturday, 27th August
There are also three in-person events running throughout the Season of Go:
- Go Fest 2022 Berlin - Friday, 1st July to Sunday, 3rd July
- Go Fest 2022 Seattle - Friday, 22nd July to Sunday 24th July
- Go Fest 2022 Sapporo - Friday, 5th August to Sunday, 7th August

Finally, the Go Battle League is entering Season 11 during the Season of Go. Throughout this season, you’ll be able to compete in a range of special cups and, of course, the Great, Ultra and Master Leagues.
The Shared Skies Season is here! Currently Aquatic Paradise is running in Pokémon Go. The road to Go Fest 2024: Global has also begun with Inbound from Ultra Space! Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
Season fo Go Hemisphere Pokémon, seasonal and biome spawn changes
Just like past seasons, the Season of Go includes a change to which Pokemon are spawning specifically in the north and southern hemispheres, including the creatures who appear in the different biomes:
Area | Pokémon |
Northern Hemipshere | Ledyba Treecko Torchic Mudkip Combee Gible Summer Form Deerling |
Southern Hemipshere | Spinarak Larvitar Turtwig Chimchar Piplup Trubbish Winter Form Deerling |
Cities | Rattata Koffing Aipom Bronzor Croagunk Patrat Galarian Stunfisk |
Forests | Oddish Weepinbell Tangela Shuckle Shroomish Cherubi Yungoos |
Mountains | Sandshrew Onix Phanpy Aron Trapinch Hippopotas Golett |
Beaches and Water | Tentacool Krabby Horsea Wooper Corphish Spheal Dewpider |
There are also a number of changes happening in the egg charts:
Egg | Pokémon |
2km | Poliwag Magnemite Magikarp Meditite Pikipek Yungoos Stufful |
5km | Togepi Skarmory Wynaut Bronzor Rowlet Litten Popplio |
5km Adventure Sync | Cranidos Shieldon Happiny Munchlax Roggenrola Frillish |
10km | Riolu Emolga Axew Rufflet Goomy Noibat Jangmo-o |
10km Adventure Sync | Dratini Bagon Beldum Riolu Deino Goomy |
What are seasons in Pokémon Go?
First introduced in December 2020, seasons are in-game periods - three months in length - which tie together various events to a theme and add a number of new features and quality of life changes.
This includes:
- Changes to how Pokémon spawn season-to-season, which may see some creatures appearing more regularly or become rarer in the wild for limited periods of time.
- Changes to egg pools and raids.
- Northern and southern hemisphere-specific spawning, coinciding with the real world seasons themselves.
- Highlight specific Mega Evolutions, giving them a power boost throughout the season.
- Changes to Deerling forms.
- A new Go Battle League season, which will be the same length as those seasons.
- XP boosts for completing specific activities, such as five-star raids for example.
- Introduce other general quality of life improvements.
- A range of in-game events.
- New Pokémon.

If you’d like to learn about past seasons in Pokémon Go, visit our pages on the Season of Celebration, Season of Legends, Season of Discovery, Season of Mischief, Season of Heritage and Season of Alola.
Hope you enjoy the Season of Go!