Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour: Next Spotlight Hour Pokémon and bonus explained
Everything you need to know about Spotlight Hour in Pokémon Go.
The Spotlight Hour in Pokémon Go is a weekly event that will highlight one, special, surprise Pokémon and a special bonus effect.
Originally this bonus took place during the Mystery Bonus Hour, but this mini-event was merged with Spotlight hour at the beginning of April 2020.
For one hour, the chosen Pokemon will appear more frequently in the wild, allowing you to catch as many as you can. This could help you fill in a missing entry in the Pokédex or find a strong Pokémon for raiding.
Meanwhile the bonus will provide you with important assistance on your Pokémon Go journey. This could be anything from double transfer candy, allowing you to evolve Pokémon faster, or double catch stardust.
Like with the established Community Day event, Spotlight Hour is designed to get players out playing Pokémon Go as part of a community.
On this page:
Pokemon Go's next Spotlight Hour: Time, featured Pokémon and bonuses explained
Here's everything you need to know about the next Spotlight Hour events:
How to prepare for a Spotlight Hour in Pokémon Go
If you're planning on taking part in a Spotlight Hour, then there's a couple of ways you can prepare for the event.
The first is to ensure that you have enough Poké Balls and berries. You only have an hour to catch as many of the chosen Pokémon as possible - you don't want to waste it spinning PokéStops.
The second is to ensure that you have space left in your Pokémon Storage Box. Just like with items, you don't want to waste some of the Spotlight Hour transferring unwanted Pokémon, unless the current bonus is double transfer candy.

Thirdly, it's worth checking to see if you have any spare lures. Using a lure will increase the amount of Pokémon you encounter in the wild for half an hour, so, if you use one during the Spotlight Hour, it should also help you encounter more of the mystery Pokémon.
Finally, since Mystery Bonus Hour has now been merged with this event it's a good idea, depending on the bonus, to use a spare Lucky Egg or Star Piece during this hour.
This will further increase the XP or Stardust bonus you receive, which is a great advantage if you're trying to climb the level ranks of Pokémon Go quickly, or to build out your team for the Go Battle League.
Used wisely and with the right Spotlight Bonus, it's an effective way to get XP fast in Pokémon Go.
The Shared Skies Season is here! Currently Aquatic Paradise is running in Pokémon Go. The road to Go Fest 2024: Global has also begun with Inbound from Ultra Space! Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
Previous Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour Pokémon
So you have an idea of what to expect in the future, here's a list of all previous Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour Pokémon since the mini-events debut in February 2020:
- February 4th - Onix
- February 11th - Spoink
- February 18th - Increased spawns for all Pokémon
- February 25th - Spotlight Hour didn't occur
- March 3rd - Increased spawns for all Pokémon
- March 10th - Increased spawns for all Pokémon
- March 17th - Increased spawns for all Pokémon
- March 24th - Increased spawns for all Pokémon
- March 31st - Increased spawns for all Pokémon
- April 7th - Purrloin and double catch XP
- April 14th - Magnemite and double catch candy
- April 21st - Wobbuffet and double transfer candy
- April 28th - Pidgey and double evolution XP
- May 5th - Shellder and double catch stardust
- May 12th - Sunkern and double catch XP
- May 19th - Poochyena and double catch candy
- May 26th - Bronzor and double transfer candy
- June 2nd - No spotlight hour
- June 9th - Patrat and double evolution XP
- June 16th - Numel and double stardust
- June 23rd - Clefairy and double catch XP
- June 30th - Kricketot and double catch candy
- July 7th - Taillow and double transfer candy
- July 14th - Zubat and double evolution XP
- July 21st - Oddish and double catch stardust
- July 28th - Buizel and double catch XP
- August 4th - Horsea and double catch candy
- August 11th - Sableye and double transfer candy
- August 18th - Venipede and double evolution XP
- August 25th - Geodude and double catch stardust
- September 1st - Horsea and double catch XP
- September 8th - Houndour and double catch candy
- September 15th - Tentacool and double transfer candy
- September 22nd - Spearow and double evolution XP
- September 29th - Skitty and double catch stardust
- October 6th - World Cap Pikachu and double catch XP
- October 13th - Original Cap Pikachu and double catch candy
- October 20th - Shuppet and double transfer candy
- October 27th - Duskull and double evolution XP
- November 3rd - Cubone and double catch Stardust
- November 10th - Jigglypuff and double catch XP
- November 17th - Meowth and double catch candy
- November 24th - Barboach and double transfer candy
- December 1st - Seel and double evolution XP
- December 8th - Swinub and double catch stardust
- December 15h - Explorer Pikachu and double catch candy
- December 22nd - Snorunt and double transfer candy
- December 29th - Snover and double evolution XP
Here are the Spotlight Hours which occurred during 2021:
- January 5th - Lillipup and double catch stardust
- January 12th - Drifloom and double catch XP
- January 19th - Shroomish and double catch candy
- January 26th - Phanpy and double transfer candy
- February 2nd - Ekans and double evolution XP
- February 9th - Miltank and double catch stardust
- February 16th - Luvdisc and double catch XP
- February 23rd - Pikachu and double catch candy
- March 2nd - Krabby and double transfer candy
- March 9th - Drowzee and double evolution XP
- March 16th - Voltorb and double catch stardust
- March 23rd - Surskit and double catch XP
- March 30th - Slugma and double catch candy
- April 6th - Buneary and double transfer candy
- April 13th - Mankey and double evolution XP
- April 20th - Grimer and double catch Stardust
- April 27th - Finneon and double catch XP
- May 4th - Cottonee and double catch candy
- May 11th - Dratini and double transfer candy
- May 18th - Alolan Rattata and double catch XP
- May 25th - Marill and double catch Stardust
- June 1st - Dwebble and double catch XP
- June 8th - Abra and double catch candy
- June 15th - Slowpoke and double transfer candy
- June 22nd - Swinub and double evolution XP
- June 29th - Aipom and double catch stardust
- July 6th - Bulbasaur and double catch XP
- July 13th - Charmander and double catch candy
- July 20th - Squirtle and double transfer candy
- July 27th - Natu and double evolution XP
- August 3rd - Magnemite and double catch stardust
- August 10th - East Sea Shellos and double catch XP
- August 17th - West Sea Shellos and double catch candy
- August 24th - Skwovet and double transfer candy
- August 31st - Wooloo and double evolution XP
- September 7th - Spoink and double catch stardust
- September 14th - Baltoy and double catch XP
- September 21st - Skitty and double catch candy
- September 28th - Alolan Meowth and double transfer candy
- October 5th - Drifloon and double evolution XP
- October 12th - Gastly and double catch stardust
- October 19th - Gothita and double catch XP
- October 26th - Murkrow and double evolution XP
- November 2nd - Cacnea and double catch candy
- November 9th - Chinchou and double transfer candy
- November 16th - Turtwig and double catch stardust
- November 23rd - Chimchar and double catch XP
- November 30th - Piplup and double catch candy
- December 7th - Electabuzz and double transfer candy
- December 14th - Magmar and double evolution XP
- December 21st - Snover and double catch XP
- December 28th - Cubchoo and double catch candy
Here are the Spotlight Hour which occurred in 2022:
- January 4th - Solosis and double transfer candy
- January 11th - Diglett and double catch stardust
- January 18th - Plusle and double catch candy
- January 25th - Minun and double transfer candy
- February 1st - Litleo and double evolution XP
- February 8th - Spritzee and double catch stardust
- February 15th - Koffing and double catch XP
- February 22nd - Voltorb and double catch candy
- March 1st - Cubone and double transfer candy
- March 8th - Exeggcute and double evolution XP
- March 15th - Growlithe and double catch stardust
- March 22nd - Sudowoodo and double catch XP
- March 29th - Paras and double catch candy
- April 5th - Stunky and double transfer candy
- April 12th - Bunnelby and double evolution XP
- April 19th - Oddish and double catch stardust
- April 26th - Sunshine Form Cherrim and double catch XP
- May 3rd - Wingull and double catch candy
- May 10th - Numel and double transfer candy
- May 17th - Magikarp and double evolution XP
- May 24th - Seel and double catch stardust
- May 31st - Pikipek and double catch stardust
- June 7th - Nosepass and double catch candy
- June 14th - Mantine and double transfer candy
- June 21st - Spinarak and double evolution XP
- June 28th - TCG Hat Pikachu and double catch stardust
- July 5th - Ledyba and double catch XP
- July 12th - Machop and double catch candy
- July 19th - Staryu and double transfer candy
- July 26th - Meditite and double evolution XP
- August 2nd - Hisuian Voltorb and double catch stardust
- August 9th - Nidoran (Female) and double catch XP
- August 16th - Joltik and double catch candy
- August 23rd - Nidoran (Male) and double transfer candy
- August 30th - Pidove and double evolution XP
- September 6th - Munna and double catch stardust
- September 13th - Ralts and double catch XP
- September 20th - Aron and double catch candy
- September 27th - Minccino and double transfer candy
- October 4th - Purrloin and double evolution XP
- October 11th - Haunter and double catch stardust
- October 18th - Misdreavus and double catch XP
- October 25th - Shuppet and double evolution XP
- November 1st - Cempasúchil Crown Duskull and double catch stardust
- November 8th - Croagunk and double catch XP
- November 15th - Porygon and double catch candy
- November 22nd - Petilil and double transfer candy
- November 29th - Hoothoot and double evolution XP
- December 6th - Wooper and double catch stardust
- December 13th - Spheal and double catch XP
- December 20th - Bergmite and double catch candy
- December 27th - Cubchoo and double transfer candy
Below you'll find the Spotlight Hours which occurred during 2023:
- January 3rd - Alolan Sandshrew and double evolution XP
- January 10th - Swirlix and double catch stardust
- January 17th - Seedot and double catch XP
- January 24th - Tynamo and double catch candy
- January 31st - Blitzle and double transfer candy
- February 7th - Pidgey and double evolution XP
- February 14th - Woobat and double catch stardust
- February 21st - Jigglypuff and double catch XP
- February 28th - Slakoth and double catch candy
- March 7th - Eevee and double transfer candy
- March 14th - Rowlet and double evolution XP
- March 21st - Litten and double catch stardust
- March 28th - Popplio and double catch XP
- April 4th - Exeggcute and double catch candy
- April 11th - Shellder and double transfer candy
- April 18th - Trapinch and double evolution XP
- April 25th - Tangela and double catch stardust
- May 2nd - Alolan Geodude and double catch XP
- May 9th - Ponyta and double catch candy
- May 16th - Bellsprout and double transfer candy
- May 23rd - Skorupi and double evolution XP
- May 30th - Houndour and double catch stardust
- June 6th - Krabby, Kabuto, Corphish, Clauncher and Crabrawler and triple catch XP
- June 13th - Binacle and double catch candy
- June 20th - Sunkern and double transfer candy
- June 27th - Doduo and double evolution XP
- July 4th - Rufflet and double catch stardust
- July 11th - Wailmer and double catch XP
- July 18th - Rhyhorn and double catch candy
- July 25th - Yungoos and double transfer candy
- August 1st - Vulpix and double evolution XP
- August 8th - Paras and double catch stardust
- August 15th - Stufful and double catch XP
- August 22nd - Venonat and double catch candy
- August 29th - Tentacool and double transfer candy
- September 5th - Wooper and double evolution XP
- September 12th - Mankey and double catch candy
- September 19th - Girafarig and double catch XP
- September 26th - Growlithe and double catch stardust
- October 3rd - Slowpoke and double transfer candy
- October 10th - Shroomish and double evolution XP
- October 17th - Pumpkaboo and double catch stardust
- October 24th - Phantump and double catch XP
- October 31st - Yamask and double catch candy
- November 7th - Chinchou and double transfer candy
- November 14th - Buneary and double evolution XP
- November 21st - Dunsparce and double catch stardust
- November 28th - Lechonk and double catch XP
- December 5th - Feebas and double catch candy
- December 12th - Seel and double transfer candy
- December 19th - Snorunt and double evolution XP
- December 26th - Vanillite and double catch stardust
Here are the Spotlight Hours for 2024:
- January 2nd - Castform and double catch XP
- January 9th - Eevee and double catch candy
- January 16th - Ralts and double transfer candy
- January 23rd - Barboach and double evolution XP
- January 30th - Foongus and double catch stardust
- February 6th - Dratini and double catch XP
- February 13th - Munna and double catch candy
- February 27th - Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew and double transfer candy, with +% transfer Candy XL
- March 5th - Pawmi and double evolution XP
- March 12th - Nidoran (Female) and double catch Stardust
- March 19th - Vulpix, Poliwag, Snorunt, Hippopotas and double catch XP
- March 26th - Hoppip and double catch candy
- April 2nd - Zubat and double transfer candy
- April 9th - Croagunk and double evolution XP
- April 16th - Caterpie, Weedle and Wurmple and double catch stardust
- April 23rd - Trubbish and double catch XP
- April 30th - Clefairy and double catch candy
- May 7th - Hitmonchan and Hitmonless and double transfer candy
- May 14th - Abra and double evolution XP
- May 21st - Elgyem and double catch Stardust
- May 28th - Mareanie and double catch XP
- June 4th - Makuhita and double Catch Candy
- June 11th - Wingull and double Transfer Candy
- June 18th - Roggenrola and double Evolution XP
- June 25th - Morelull and double Catch Stardust
- July 2nd - Cake Pikachu and double Catch XP
- July 9th - Spheal and double Catch Candy
- July 16th - Binacle and double Transfer Candy
- July 23rd - Diglett and Alolan Diglett and double evolution XP
- July 30th - Togedemaru and double Catch Stardust

Previous Pokémon Go Mystery Bonus Hours
Although Mystery Bonus hour has merged with Spotlight Hour, here's a list of all the bonuses that took place during this mini-event from its debut in February 2020. This will give you an idea of what bonuses to expect in the future:
- February 6th - Double Catch Stardust
- February 13th - Double Raid XP
- February 20th - Double Catch Stardust
- February 27th - No Mystery Hour event
- March 5th - Double Catch XP
- March 12th - Double Catch Candy
- March 19th - Double Transfer Candy
- March 26th - Double Evolution XP
- April 2nd - Double Catch Stardust
Good luck with your Spotlight Hour endeavours!