Pokémon Go World of Wonders quest steps, including how to get Poipole and its evolution Naganadel
How to catch the Poison Pin Ultra Beast.
The World of Wonders special research quest offers you the chance to get Poipole in Pokémon Go.
It's important to note that World of Wonders was a season-long special research quest released during the World of Wonders season in Pokémon Go. If you didn't claim this quest by 9:59am (local time) on Saturday 1st June 2024, then you won't have access to it.
Poipole is the only Ultra Beast which can evolve, becoming Naganadel after doing so. Thankfully, with the release of World of Wonders Step 5 on Thursday 23rd May 2024, you can now evolve Poipole into Naganadel.
Below we walk you through all of the World of Wonder quests steps, while also taking a look at how to evolve Poipole into Naganadel in Pokémon Go.
On this page:
'World of Wonders' quest steps: How to get Poipole in Pokémon Go
World of Wonders was released in Pokémon Go on Friday 1st March and is a season-long special research quest running throughout, you guessed it, the World of Wonders Season.
You must play Pokémon Go at least once before 9:59am (local time) on Saturday 1st June 2024 to unlock the World of Wonders quest. If you did so, you'll be able to complete it whenever you like since it lacks a deadline.
Below you'll find all of the World of Wonders quest steps which have been released so far in Pokémon Go. Just be wary of spoilers!

'World of Wonders' Step 1 of 5
- Catch 20 Pokémon - 10 Poké Balls
- Spin 10 PokéStops - 7 Pinap Berries
- Transfer 10 Pokémon - 7 Razz Berries
Rewards: 803 XP and Poipole
'World of Wonders' Step 2 of 5
- Complete 7 Field Research tasks - Skorupi encounter
- Explore 10km - Qwilfish encounter
- Make 20 Nice Throws - 15 Great Balls
Rewards: 803 XP and 25 Poipole Candy
Thank you to redwineandbeer from reddit for the help with the above quest step.

'World of Wonders' Step 3 of 5
- Catch 30 Pokémon - Mareanie encounter
- Spin 15 PokéStops - 5 Hyper Potions
- Power up Pokémon 20 times - 5 Revives
- Make 20 Great Throws - 15 Ultra Balls
Rewards: 803 XP and 50 Poipole Candy
Thank you to Vinsanity9 from reddit for the help with Step 3.
'World of Wonders' Step 4 of 5
- Complete 15 Field Research tasks - Hisuian Qwilfish encounter
- Explore 10km - 7 Pinap Berries
- Catch 25 different species of Pokémon - 5 Max Revives
- Defeat 5 Team Go Rocket Grunts - 2 Mysterious Components

Rewards: 803 XP and 50 Poipole Candy
Thank you to Vinsanity9 again from reddit for the help with Step 4.
'World of Wonders' Step 5 of 5
- Catch 40 Pokémon - Nidoran Male encounter
- Send 15 Gifts to friends - Nidoran Female encounter
- Evolve 3 Poison-type Pokémon - 2 Rare Candies
- Purify 5 Shadow Pokémon - 2 Mysterious Components
Rewards: 803 XP and 100 Poipole Candy
The Shared Skies Season is here! Currently Aquatic Paradise is running in Pokémon Go. The road to Go Fest 2024: Global has also begun with Inbound from Ultra Space! Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
How to evolve Poipole into Naganadel in Pokémon Go
To evolve Poipole into Naganadel in Pokémon Go, you must catch 20 Dragon-type Pokémon while Poipole is your buddy and then use 200 Poipole Candy.
Thankfully, the World of Wonders special research quest provides you with enough Poipole to complete this evolution. You should even have a little to spare if you want to power up either Poipole or Naganadel.
This evolution wasn't released in Pokémon Go until Step 5 of the World of Wonders quest arrived in-game on Thursday 23rd May 2024. This meant that players had to wait until this date to evolve Poipole and, if they'd completed the pay-to-play Wonder Ticket timed research quests, decide which Poipole they wished to evolve.

Interestingly, Poipole is the only Ultra Beast that has the ability to evolve. When it does, Poipole goes from being a simple Poison-type to being a dual Poison and Dragon-type Pokémon, which is quite the deadly combination. This typing means that Naganadel has an advantage against Fairy-type Pokémon, which can deal some excellent damage to Dragon-types, as these Pokémon are weak to Poison-types.
Good luck adding Poipole to your Pokédex!