Anime Fighters codes July 2024
How to redeem Anime Fighters codes in Roblox.
Anime Fighters codes - also known as Anime Fighters Simulator codes - are essential to redeem for anyone who fancies some beat 'em up action with your favourite anime characters in Roblox. Codes will net you plenty of free rewards including boosts, tokens, and resets.
In Anime Fighters Simulator, you can spend yen to summon anime fighters from a bunch of popular shows, such as Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and more. All of this takes place within Roblox, as you "discover new worlds, with new fighters in each one" and collect them like Pokemon.
Here is a list of all the working Anime Fighters codes in Roblox and how to redeem Anime Fighters Simulator codes.
Roblox Anime Fighters codes
Here are all of the working Anime Fighters Simulator codes as of 8th July 2024:
- SummerIsHere! - rewards
- InkFix - rewards
- UPDATE73!! - rewards
- Sowwy4Deway - rewards
- AnniPart2 - rewards
- SpecialTreat:3 - rewards
- ApologiesForDelaysD: - rewards
- AnniversaryFinallyHere - rewards
- Happy3Years<3 - rewards
- UPDATE71! - rewards
- UPD70! - rewards
- ChallengerArrival! - rewards
- UPD69! - rewards
- SorryQuest! - rewards
- Sorry4Maintenance! - rewards
- UPD68! - rewards
- OopsieWhoopsie - rewards
- UPD67! - rewards
- CalebsBDAY! - rewards
- Update66! - rewards
- X7Weekend! - rewards
- OopsieDaisies! - rewards
How to redeem Anime Fighters codes

To redeem Anime Fighters codes, boot up Anime Fighters Simulator in Roblox. On the left-hand side of the screen, you'll see a bunch of icons in circles. Click on the Twitter bird icon in the middle and a pop-up will appear with a field to enter codes. Paste in any of the active codes above and hit enter to receive your rewards.
Where are new Anime Fighters codes released?
If you want new Anime Fighters codes, keep checking back to this page regularly. We'll ensure the list above is kept fully up to date with any new codes that are released. However, you can also grab them directly from the source by joining the official Anime Fighters Discord server. The code pop-up in-game also suggests following the creator on his Twitter, but his Twitter bio says to follow him on Instagram for codes and bonuses - we'd recommend both, just to be safe.
Expired Anime Fighters codes
- Update65!
- FixedSorry!
- Easter2024
- NewHeavenly!
- LoyalsCodeAgain!
- LoyalsBStudio
- Upd61AFS!
- PreEasterEggs!
- GoHUpdate!
- LoyalsCode!
- JoinLoyals!
- Update57!
- BossStudioLoyals
- 20KWEUP!
- KoroFightersSim!
- BirthdayBoss19
- AFSComeback?
- Special15K
- CreationAnniversary
- WinterEvent
- AFS2024!
- HappyChristmas!
- DelayApology
- Update51
- SuperApology
- DelayUPD51
- Pregame_U8zKL
- ZnxCvb9
- SorryForBugs
- AFSUpd50
- @brandonha_0210
- CastlevaniaHype
- Update49
- !Update48!
- DelayedHalloween
- RobloxFixed??
- !Update47!
- !Update46!
- SorryUpdate46!
- SorryForDelay!!!
- Kekeke
- QOLChanges!
- Update44!
- QOLPatch
- DungeonCDRESET
- Update41
- SaopauloW
- ResetDungeonCD
- BlastOff2023
- Update40!
- BuffPatch
- Summer2023!
- InfiniteBalance
- SorryDelay
- UPD37!
- DungeonRecovery
- DataFixed?
- 100KPlayers
- BrazilOnTOP
- KingIsBack
- 25kPlayers!
- SubToFminusmic
- AFSComeback
- BillionVisits
- TheAbyss
- Insane1Million
- WorldAtWar
- SummerEvent2
- BronzePiece_
- SummerEvent
- RealDaireb
- 1MilFaves
- ToadBoi
- otrademark
- Sub2Codenex
- Sub2Veyar
- sulley1m
- Ichigoat
- Thanks900k
- SoulAcademy
- MiniUpdatePog
- DungeonRefund3
- DungeonRefund2
- DungeonRefund
- SorcererEmpire
- LandOfHeroes
- AFSAnniversary
- LandOfGuts
- 800klikes
- HalfBillion
- FashionEmpire
- update25.3
- WorldOfGames
- PsychicCity
- NinjaCityRaid
- NinjaCity
- TimeTravelTokyo
- OrcaPrison
- PassiveBug2
- PassiveBug
- 700klikes
- 2k22
- TheHole
- IceWastes
- KingdomFour
- Underworld
- cyclxnee
- DivineColosseum
- FlameCity
- Christmas
- SpookyIsland
- AlchemyLand
- cyclxnee
- DestinyIsland
- FlameCity
- LuckIsland
- Pog400k
- SCity
- SlimeyIsland
- thanks600k
- ThanksGiving
- Gold500k
- ShutdownCode
- NinjaRaid
- NewSulley750k
- Nice300k
- 200milcrazy
- SpookyIsland
- Poggers100Mil
- Sub2Numerous
- Sub2foxpanda
- BronzePiece_
- CurseHigh
- Thanks150k
- Insane200k
- TicketCode
- Almost100k
- SorryForShutdown
- Yeet250k
- Nice200k
- VirtualCastle
- UpdateDelay
- EmptyWorld
- Craftbug
- 100kRecord
- Sulley500k
- ChimeraIsland
- Almost100k
- Sulley300k
- Pog125k
- SlayerCorps
- Magic100k
- Super75k
- AttackOfGiants
- ChuggaChugga
- Lucky30k
- GhoulCity
- Awesome50k
- Sulley
- HeroAcademy
- EpicCode
- MegaLikes
- SuperLikes
- ManyLikes
Hope you enjoy playing Anime Fighters Simulator!
Looking for help with your next Roblox adventure too? Don't forget to also check out a few of our other guides: King Legacy codes, Blade Ball codes, ASTD codes and Peroxide codes.