Swordstone Key locations in Elden Ring
These special keys open optional passages and areas.
The Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring are special keys that can be used to open optional passages in the environment, unlocking sealed Imp Statues that contain valuable items and rare weapons. In that sense, they're very similar to the Pharros Lockstones from Dark Souls 2.
You will discover the first of these Stonesword Keys at the end of the Elden Ring tutorial, right next to the Site Of Grace 'Stranded Graveyard'. Over the course of your adventure, though, you'll find lots more: in the overworld, in small catacombs and ruins and even in the large Legacy Dungeons.
You must insert a maximum of two Stonesword Keys into the heads of imp statues, after which they'll get consumed and disappear. You can tell from the imp heads whether one or two keys are required. If there is already a key inside, you only need one. It's also important not to get them confused with the Imbued Sword Keys, which are a special form of Sword Key used unlock special teleporters at The Four Belfries in West Liurnia.
Here's where to find Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring.
Swordstone Key locations
Character creation
When creating the character, you can choose a Stonesword Key as a Keepsake and take it with you as a starting gift.
Dragon-Burnt Ruins
Right in the starting area in Limgrave, you will discover these ruins next to where the Flying Dragon Agheel has set up camp. The key is in the ruins, in a room with a Giant Rat.
Murkwater Cave
In West Limgrave, Murkwater Cave is located halfway between the Dragon-Burnt Ruins and the Murkwater Catacombs. Inside you will meet Patches. You have to defeat him in a fight and spare him at the end, then he will open his shop. He sells the key for 5000 runes.

Stormhill Shack
On the way to Stormveil Castle, you will pass this shack after the storm gate. The key is by the corpse on the wooden ledge.
Stormveil Castle
Follow Sorcerer Rogier's quest until you find Godwyn's face in the castle. From the Site of Grace 'Liftside Chamber', go out into the courtyard, keep right, drop behind the corpse with the Smithing Stone, continue down, kill the Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit and find the key nearby.
Roundtable Hold
The Twin Maiden Husks have three Stonesword Keys to sell for 4000 runes each.
Fringefolk Hero's Grave
You need two Stonesword Keys to access the Fringefolk Hero's Grave, but you can find it near the Stranded Graveyard. Once inside, follow the section to the bridge where you can drop down the sides, avoiding the Chariot by hiding in alcoves in the wall. Where the path narrows, jump down onto a ledge and get past the imps and fire trap.
Drop down again in the next room with the Grafted Scions and the Erdtree's Favour. You will find a Stonesword Key on a balcony overlooking where the section where you met the Chariot earlier on.
Academy of Raya Lucaria #1
After using the Glintstone Key at the south gate of the Academy of Raya Lucaria, you will find yourself in the Academy grounds. Run through the blue seal (do not click on it). Wolves await you down the path, but behind them is a merchant. He will sell you three Stonesword Keys for 3000 runes each.

Academy of Raya Lucaria #2
Before the boss fog that leads to the Red Wolf of Radagon, you can hit the bookshelf on the left by the stairs. The illusory wall will disappear and open the way to a hidden room where you will not only find the magic 'Comet', but also the key.

Academy of Raya Lucaria #3
After the fight against the Red Wolf Of Radagon, you will come to an area called the Debate Parlour. Go outside into the middle of the Academy's courtyard to find a fountain, jump into it, and collect the key.
Academy Crystal Cave
The Academy Crystal Cave is a small dungeon on the western side of the massive rocky island on which the actual Academy stands. It consists of only a few cave rooms. In one of them you will find a key next to a corpse trapped in a cage.
Sealed Tunnel
The Sealed Tunnel is located near the Royal Capital of Leyndell. Explore the corridors until you can walk over a massive root in a room. Drop down to the wooden platform in front of a tunnel, kill the two assassins and collect the key in the dead end.
Bridge of Sacrifice
The Bridge of Sacrifice is the furthest point south in Limgrave and forms the transition to the Weeping Peninsula. The key can be found on the bridge among the soldiers standing guard here.
Weeping Peninsula #1
Go to the spot marked on the map below. The key lies by a corpse sitting on a chair in the cliffs.

Weeping Peninsula #2
In the southern portion of the west side of the peninsula is the hut of the Isolated Merchant. There are several of these merchants in the game, but this one sells three Stonesword keys for 2000 runes each.

Weeping Peninsula #3
A Nomadic Merchant has set up camp on the eastern side of the peninsula at the 'Castle Morne Rampart' Site of Grace. He sells a key for 2000 runes.
Weeping Peninsula #4
In Castle Morne, follow the course of the area to the Site Of Grace 'Behind The Castle'. From there you can drop down several times and land next to a corpse on a wooden scaffold. She has the key with her.
Altus Plateau #1
Halfway between the Site of Grace 'Bridge of Iniquity' and the Volcano Manor to the west. The item lies by a corpse on the bridge located just after the invading NPC Anastasia.

Altus Plateau #2
On the plateau west of the capital (where the Ancient Dragon Lansseax will also attack) you will find a corpse at the marked spot, which will separate from the key when you search it.

At the marked location on the map is the Divine Tower of Caelid, which you can enter via some overgrown roots. You have to move across the ledges and arches on the outside of the tower, jump and drop a few times. You'll find the key by a corpse on the south side.

Deep Siofra Well, Caelid
For this key, you need to have unlocked the Deep Siofra Well Site of Grace on the Caelid side, via the Siofra Well in Limgrave. Travel down there and you will discover a lift in the north-east part of the underground area. Sacrifice two Stonesword keys and you will come back to the surface in Caelid. Another key lies a little to the south by a bear.

Sellia, Town of Sorcery
In Sellia, Town of Sorcery in Caelid, you can light three candles on three towers. You will find the key on the roofs of the city, on the way to one of the three towers.

An Abandoned Merchant in the Siofra River will sell you three keys for 2000 runes each. To find them, you must walk south-west from the Site of Grace 'Worshippers' Woods' and reach a wooden scaffold that can be climbed using the stairs and ladders.

At the top, jump right to a platform below you and follow the path behind the waterfall into the ruins where the merchant has set up camp.

Caelid Highway South
In southern Caelid, you will meet a Nomadic Merchant along the run between the Sites of Grace called 'Caelid Highway South' and 'Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank' on the way towards Sellia. He sells a key for 4000 runes.

Lenydell, Royal Capital #1
Follow the path in Lyndell that leads to a small graveyard where two undead guard the key. There is another key right next to it in the building with the Leynell soldiers, who throw flash bombs at you from above on the right.

Lenydell, Royal Capital #2
Follow the path in Lynell until you can drop onto a pavilion. There is a corpse lying on it, which will leave you the key.
Lenydell, Royal Capital #3
Follow the course behind the Site of Grace 'West Capital Rampart' down to the dragon with two knights next to it. Climb onto its claw, jump onto the roof and into the lookout where you can collect the key.
Auriza Hero's Grave
In Auriza Hero's Grave, you have to run down several slopes and avoid Chariots. There is an alcove in the centre where two Chariots run side by side. You will find the key by the corpse.
Sage's Cave, near Wyndham Ruins
The Sage's Cave is full of illusory walls that disappear into thin air after a sword strike. The key lies in a treasure chest behind one of these walls.
Nokron, Eternal City
In Nokron, Eternal City, there is a section where you can light six fires to unlock the battle against the Regal Ancestor Spirit. There you will find a slope with jellyfish. Drop onto the path behind this slope (which leads to the aqueduct on the left). You will find the key by the corpse on the right.
Gaol Cave, Caelid
In the Gaol Cave in Caelid (near Fort Gael), follow the path to the lever that opens all the doors in the cave. You will find the key in one of the cells, which will then become accessible.
Volcano Manor
After defeating the Godskin Noble in Volcano Manor, follow the path until you unlock a lift as a shortcut to the Temple of Eiglay. You can exit this lift during the journey to reach an intermediate floor. The Stonesword Key is located there.
Ainsel River Main
Ainsel River Main is an underground area in Liurnia. Follow the course after the starting point until you reach a dragonfly monster with grasping pincers, as known from the Uhl Palace Ruins. To the left of it lies a corpse by a giant flower.
Nokstella, Eternal City
In Nokstella, the Eternal City, follow the course of the water in a westerly direction. At the very end, you will see an area with three giant ants on the right. You will find the key on the cliffs to the left.
Subterranean Shunning Grounds
In the Subterranaean Shunning Grounds underneath Leyndell, you have to cross some round passages with snails in them. Drop into the first hole at the first snail and you will find the key.
Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum #1
In the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum, follow the path upwards past the many undead. Keep your eyes to the right and you will see a group of them praying. In the centre of them lies the key.
Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum #1
In the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum, follow the path upwards past the many undead. Keep your eyes to the right and you will see a group of them praying. In the centre of them lies the key.
Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum #2
A little further on in the area, you will pass through the actual mausoleum. In a corridor on the left - behind a Sanguine Noble - sits an Imprisoned Merchant selling five stone sword keys.
Mohgwyn Palace
In Mohgwyn Palace, you will find the key in the south of the area by the lake of blood, very close to the disgusting giant birds that hang around there.
Castle Sol
In Castle Sol, you will reach the Site of Grace 'Church of the Eclipse'. In front of this church on the side, you will find a ladder that leads to an area where you will find the key beyond a wooden bridge.
Guardian's Garrison
Ride a short distance from the Guardian's Garrison on the summit of the Mountaintops of the Giants to the south and you will find the Stonesword Key by a corpse near a fire monk.
Mt. Gelmir
In the northern region of Mt. Gelmir, you'll find a Nomadic Merchant who will sell you a Stonesword Key for 5000 runes.
Gelmir Hero's Grave
In the Gelmir Hero's Grave, you will find the key at the top of the ramp with the second Chariot.
Yelough Anix Ruins
In the Yelough Anix Ruins, you will find the key in a ruined tower full of biting rats.
In Caelid, between the Sites of Grace 'Sellia Hideaway' and 'Sellia Backstreets', you will find a very striking structure made of bones shaped like a mountain. Jump to the top here and collect the key from the corpses above.

Crumbling Farum Azula
Not far from the Site of Grace 'Dragon Temple' in the Crumbling Farum Azula, you can explore some rooms. The key lies by a corpse near some pillars.
Miquella's Haligtree #1
After the start of Miquella's Haligtree, activate the first Site of Grace and follow the branch southwards to a Stonesword Key.
Miquella's Haligtree #2
Also in the canopy of Miquella's Haligtree, you'll find the second one to the right of the Giant Miranda Sprouts, on a narrower branch that leads directly south past a small envoy to a corpse with the Stonesword Key.
That's it for now! We hope you enjoy hunting for Swordstone Keys in Elden Ring.