Wuthering Waves Encore materials, kit, and Resonance Chain
Ascension and Forte materials for Encore.
Encore is a 5-Star Fusion character available as of the Wuthering Waves 1.0 launch version.
Encore is featured as one the boosted 5-Star characters in the permanent Tidal Chorus, Beginner's Choice, and Utterance of Marvels Banners, and you can also get Encore by losing the 50/50 chance to get a character on their limited-time Banner in Wuthering Waves.
To prepare for when you get her, we've listed Encore's Ascension materials and Forte materials so you can level her up to her full potential right away. To understand how you might play her, we've also detailed Encore's kit and Resonance Chain.
On this page:
Wuthering Waves Encore kit
Encore is a 5-Star Fusion character who uses a rectifier, and is best used in a main DPS (damage per second) role for your ranged and single-target needs. To get the most out of using Encore, you need to activate her special Resonance Liberation state as often as possible.
All of the percentages mentioned below are based on Level 1 Skills.
Here's a summary of Encore's kit in Wuthering Waves:

- Rarity: 5-Star.
- Element: Fusion.
- Weapon: Rectifier.
- Basic Attack: Wooly Attack.
- Forte Circuit: Black and White Woolies.
- Resonance Skill: Thermal Wooly - Encore summons Cloudy and Cosmos, attacking a target with burning rays that deal Fusion damage. After this Flaming Woolies activation, Encore can use her Resonance Skill to perform Energetic Welcome, dealing Fusion damage.
- Resonance Liberation: Cosmos Rave - As Encore loses control, Cosmos breaks free and wreaks havoc on its surroundings, replacing Encore's ordinary moves with Cosmos Rave moves:
- Encore's basic attack is replaced with Cosmos: Frolicking, which can perform up to four consecutive hits that deal Fusion damage and is considered basic attack damage.
- Encore's heavy attack is replaced with Cosmos: Heavy Attack, which consumes stamina to attack the target with Fusion damage that is considered heavy attack damage.
- Encore's ordinary Resonance Skill is replaced with Cosmos: Rampage, which deals Fusion damage that is considered Resonance Skill damage.
- Lastly, Encore's dodge during Cosmos Rave lets her use a basic attack after a successful dodge to attack the target with Fusion damage that is considered basic attack damage.
- Intro Skill: Woolies Can Help! - Encore pounces at the enemies with Cosmos, dealing Fusion damage.
- Outro Skill: Thermal Field - Encore generates a Flame Zone centred around the Skill's target, with a radius of 3m. Targets inside the Flame Zone are continuously burned, suffering Fusion damage equal to 176.76% of Encore's attack every 1.5 seconds for 6 seconds.
- Inherent Skill one: Angry Cosmos - During her Cosmos Rave Resonance Liberation, when Encore's HP is above 70%, damage dealt is increased by 10%.
- Inherent Skill two: Woolies Cheer Dance - When Encore's Flaming Woolies or Cosmos: Rampage Resonance Skills are used, her Fusion damage is increased by 10% for 10 seconds.
- Inherent Skill three: Skillful Cooking - Has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking.
Encore's basic active Skills
Encore's basic attack performs up to four consecutive attacks that deal Fusion damage, and after the fourth hit of her basic attack, you can press the basic attack button to attack the target and deal Fusion damage.
As for her heavy attack, Encore consumes stamina to attack a target with Fusion damage, and for her mid-air attack, Encore consumes stamina to perform a mid-air plunging attack that deals Fusion damage.
Lastly, Encore can use her basic attack after a successful dodge to attack the target with Fusion damage.

Encore's Forte Circuit Skill
After using her heavy attack when her Dissonance is full, Encore consumes all Dissonance to enter the Dissonance state, reducing damage taken by 70%. Switching Characters does not interrupt Dissonance, and after the Dissonance state ends, Encore casts Cloudy Frenzy that deals Fusion damage which is considered Resonance Liberation damage.
During Cosmos Rave, when casting her heavy attack, if Encore's Dissonance is full, she consumes all Dissonance to enter Cosmos' Dissonance state, reducing damage taken by 70%. Switching Characters does not interrupt Dissonance, and after Cosmos' Dissonance state ends, Encore uses Cosmos Rupture to deal Fusion damage that is considered Resonance Liberation damage.
Encore can hold up to 100 Dissonance, and she accumulates Dissonance when her Wooly normal attack, Intro Skill, and Flaming Woolies and Energetic Welcome Resonance Skills hit a target. Encore also gains Dissonance during her Cosmos Rave Resonance Liberation when hitting targets.
Wuthering Waves Encore Forte materials

To get the most out of using Encore, you will have to unlock and level up her various Skill trees by using Forte materials, which vary from character-to-character. You'll need to farm a lot of Unending Destruction, Whisperin Core, and Helix materials to fully upgrade Encore's capabilities.
In total, here's all of the Forte materials you need for Encore:
- x25 LF Whisperin Core
- x28 MF Whisperin Core
- x40 HF Whisperin Core
- x57 FF Whisperin Core
- x25 Lento Helix
- x28 Adagio Helix
- x55 Andante Helix
- x67 Presto Helix
- x26 Unending Destruction
- 20.3 million Shell Credits
Wuthering Waves Encore Ascension materials

Just like Fortes, you need to use Encore Ascension materials to upgrade her raw stats and get her to level 90, and the higher Encore's Ascension level, the more you can invest in her Fortes.
You'll need to farm a lot of Pecok Flower, Rage Tacet Core, and Whisperin Core materials for Encore to level her up and fully upgrade her capabilities.
In total, here's all the Ascension Materials you need for Encore in Wuthering Waves:
- x4 LF Whisperin Core
- x12 MF Whisperin Core
- x12 HF Whisperin Core
- x4 FF Whisperin Core
- x46 Rage Tacet Core
- x60 Pecok Flower
- 170,000 Shell Credits
Wuthering Waves Encore Resonance Chain
By getting duplicates of Encore from pulling her on Banners, you will receive her Wavebands, and you can also purchase a few Wavebands from the in-game shop. Wavebands are an important item, as they allow you to unlock Resonance Chain levels, with each level either improving an existing Skill or passive ability.

Here is Encore's Resonance Chain in Wuthering Waves:
- Wooly's Fairy Tale (RC1): When Encore's basic attacks hit a target, her Fusion damage bonus is increased by 3%, stacking up to four times for 6 seconds.
- Sheep-counting Lullaby (RC2): Encore additionally restores 10 Resonance Energy when casting her Woolies basic attack or Energetic Welcome Resonance Skill. This can be triggered once every 10 seconds.
- Fog? The Black Shores! (RC3): The damage multiplier of Encore's Cloudy: Frenzy and Cosmos: Rupture Resonance Liberations is increased by 40%.
- Adventure? Let’s go! (RC4): Encore's Cosmos: Rupture Resonance Liberation increases the Fusion damage bonus of all team members by 20% for 30 seconds.
- Hero Takes the Stage! (RC5): Encore's Resonance Skill damage bonus is increased by 35%.
- Woolies Save the World! (RC6): During Encore's Cosmos Rave Resonance Liberation, she gains one stack of Lost Lamb every time she deals damage, with each stack increasing her attack by 5% for 10 seconds. This can stack up to five times.
Good luck levelling up Encore in Wuthering Waves!