How to use Voucher of Reciprocal Tides in Wuthering Waves
Here's how to instantly get a free 5-Star character of your choice.
The Voucher of Reciprocal Tides lets you instantly pull a 5-Star character of your choice in Wuthering Waves.
To help you get your 5-Star as soon as possible in Wuthering Waves, we've explained how to use the Voucher of Reciprocal Tides below, along with how to get your Voucher of Reciprocal Tides. Just know that there's a bit of a delay in receiving it, so don't panic if you don't get your voucher right away after logging into the game!
For help in deciding who to pick, check out our character tier list, and for more help exploring Solaris-3, we also have an Echo explainer, and multiplayer and co-op details.
On this page:
What is a Voucher of Reciprocal Tides in Wuthering Waves?
The Voucher of Reciprocal Tides is a currency you can use to get a free 5-Star of your choice on the Beginner's Choice Banner in Wuthering Waves. There's no dreaded 50/50 chance to lose your selected character this time, as you are 100 percent guaranteed to instantly receive the 5-Star you choose.
If this sounds rather generous for a gacha game, it might make more sense to know it was only dished out to make up for Wuthering Waves' many launch issues.

How to get Voucher of Reciprocal Tides in Wuthering Waves
To get the Voucher of Reciprocal Tides in Wuthering Waves, all you have to do is log in to the game before 22nd May 2025 and either reach Union Level 8 or unlock the Convene (Banner) menu after completing the trial in 'First Resonance' to instantly receive your voucher through the in-game mail system. Hit the 'Claim' button on the mail with the item attached to get your Voucher of Reciprocal Tides.

There might be a bit of a delay in receiving your mail with the Voucher of Reciprocal Tides attached, so just be patient until it comes through. If it still hasn't been issued to you after 10 minutes however, try restarting the game. If you still don't get your Voucher of Reciprocal Tides after waiting another 10 minutes upon restarting Wuthering Waves, then you'll have to reach out to Kuro Games' customer service at
How to use Voucher of Reciprocal Tides in Wuthering Waves
Here's how to use the Voucher of Reciprocal Tides in Wuthering Waves:
- Redeem your Voucher of Reciprocal Tides from the in-game mail.
- Select the Beginner's Choice Banner from the 'Convene' menu.
- Use the 'Convene x1' button at the bottom of the Banner.
- Select the 5-Star character you want to get and select 'Confirm'.
- Use the 'Convene x1' button at the bottom of the Banner again to instantly get the 5-Star character of your choice.
Don't panic if you accidentally pick the wrong 5-Star at first, as you can hit the symbol beside the 'Beginner's Choice Convene' text at the top to swap your selected character before using your Voucher of Reciprocal Tides.

The 5-Star characters available to pick from on the Beginner's Choice Banner are:

If you're unsure who to pick, check out our Wuthering Waves tier list for some assistance!