Wuthering Waves Lingyang materials, kit, and Resonance Chain
Ascension and Forte materials for Lingyang.
Lingyang is a 5-Star Glacio character available as of the Wuthering Waves 1.0 launch version.
Lingyang is featured as one the boosted 5-Star characters in the permanent Tidal Chorus, Beginner's Choice, and Utterance of Marvels Banners, and you can also get Lingyang by losing the 50/50 chance to get a character on their limited-time Banner in Wuthering Waves.
To prepare for when you do get him, we've listed Lingyang's Ascension materials and Forte materials so you can level him up to his full potential right away. To understand how you might play him, we've also detailed Lingyang's kit and Resonance Chain.
On this page:
Wuthering Waves Lingyang kit
Lingyang is a 5-Star Glacio character who uses gauntlets, and is best used in a main DPS role in his Striding Lion state.

Here's a summary of Lingyang's kit in Wuthering Waves:
- Rarity: 5-Star.
- Element: Glacio.
- Weapon: Gauntlets.
- Basic Attack: Majestic Fists.
- Forte Circuit: Unification of Spirits.
- Resonance Skill: Ancient Arts - Lingyang attacks the target with Glacio damage, and when the third, fourth, or fifth hit of his Feral Roars basic attack hits the target, Lingyang's Ancient Arts Resonance Skill is replaced with the Swift Punches Resonance Skill. If Lingyang uses his basic attack after casting Feral Roars and Swift Punches, his attack pattern starts from his third basic attack. Lingyang's Resonance Skill does not reset his basic attack pattern.
- Resonance Liberation: Strive: Lion's Vigor - Lingyang attacks the target with Glacio damage, and receives the blessing of Lion's Vigor, which lasts for 50 seconds. While Lion's Vigor is active, Lingyang's Glacio damage bonus is increased by 50%.
- Intro Skill: Lion Awakens - Lingyang attacks the target with Glacio damage.
- Outro Skill: Frosty Marks - A shock wave is released, dealing 587.94% of Lingyang's attack as Glacio damage to targets within range.
- Inherent Skill one: Lion's Pride - The damage of Lingyang's Intro Skill is increased by 50%.
- Inherent Skill two: Diligent Practice - Under the Striding Lion state, within three seconds after each of Lingyang's basic attacks, his next Mountain Roamer deals an additional instance of Glacio damage, equal to 150% of Jinglang's Mountain Roamer damage that is considered Resonance Skill damage.
- Inherent Skill three: Skillful Cooking - Has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking.
Lingyang's basic active Skills
Lingyang's basic attack can perform up to five consecutive hits that deal Glacio damage, and after the fifth hit, his regular basic attack is replaced with Feral Roars.
For his heavy attack, Lingyang consumes stamina to deal Glacio damage, and he also consumes stamina for his regular mid-air attack to perform a plunging attack that also deals Glacio damage. Lastly, Lingyang can use a basic attack after a successful dodge to deal Glacio damage to a target.
Lingyang's Forte Circuit Skill
When Lingyang's Lion's Spirit is full, he can use a heavy attack to perform a Glorious Plunge that deals Glacio damage. When Lion's Spirit is not full, Lingyang can use a basic attack after a heavy attack instead to perform a Tail Strike that deals Glacio damage.
Lingyang enters the Striding Lion state after using his Glorious Plunge heavy attack, and also by using a basic attack after his Intro Skill or Strive: Lion's Vigor Resonance Liberation is used if his Lion's Spirit is full. In the Striding Lion state, Lingyang's attacks can be launched in mid-air, and if Lingyang is on the ground, he can use a Glorious Plunge heavy attack to get back in the air.
Lingyang's Lion's Spirit is continuously consumed, with the state ending five seconds after his Lion's Spirit runs out, and Concerto Energy is restored when Lion's Spirit is consumed. Additionally, if Lingyang is in the Lion's Vigor state, the consumption speed of Lion's Spirit is reduced by 50%, which can extend Striding Lion by up to 10 seconds.

In the Striding Lion state, Lingyang's regular basic attack is replaced with Feral Gyrate, which can perform up to two consecutive attacks that deal Glacio damage. However, when Lion's Spirit is less than 10, Lingyang can use a basic attack to perform Stormy Kicks, which deal Glacio damage. After Stormy Kicks is used, Lingyang's Radiant Plunge mid-air attack is available. Lingyang's regular Resonance Skill is also replaced with the Mountain Roamer attack, which deals Glacio damage.
Lingyang can hold up to 100 Lion's Spirit, and he accumulates Lion Spirit when his Furious Punches Resonance Skill, Intro Skill, and Strive: Lion's Vigor Resonance Liberation is used.
Wuthering Waves Lingyang Forte materials

To get the most out of using Lingyang, you will have to unlock and level up his various Skill trees by using Forte materials, which vary from character-to-character. You'll need to farm a lot of Unending Destruction, Whisperin Core, and Cadence materials to fully upgrade Lingyang's's capabilities.
In total, here's all of the Forte materials you need for Lingyang:
- x25 LF Whisperin Core
- x28 MF Whisperin Core
- x40 HF Whisperin Core
- x57 FF Whisperin Core
- x25 Cadence Seed
- x28 Cadence Bud
- x55 Cadence Leaf
- x67 Cadence Blossom
- x26 Unending Destruction
- 20.3 million Shell Credits
Wuthering Waves Lingyang Ascension materials

Just like Fortes, you need to use Lingyang Ascension materials to upgrade his raw stats and get him to level 90, and the higher Lingyang's Ascension level, the more you can invest in his Fortes.
You'll need to farm a lot of Belle Poppy, Elegy Tact Core, and Howler Core materials for Lingyang to level him up and fully upgrade his capabilities.
In total, here's all the Ascension Materials you need for Lingyang in Wuthering Waves:
- x4 LF Whisperin Core
- x12 MF Whisperin Core
- x12 HF Whisperin Core
- x4 FF Whisperin Core
- x46 Sound-Keeping Tacet Core
- x60 Coriolus
- 170,000 Shell Credits
Wuthering Waves Lingyang Resonance Chain
By getting duplicates of Lingyang from pulling him on Banners, you will receive his Wavebands, and you can also purchase a few Wavebands from the in-game shop. Wavebands are an important item, as they allow you to unlock Resonance Chain levels, with each level either improving an existing Skill or passive ability.

Here is Lingyang's Resonance Chain in Wuthering Waves:
- Lion of Light, Blessings Abound (RC1): During Lingyang's Lion's Vigor Resonance Liberation, his anti-interruption is enhanced.
- Dominant and Fierce, Power Unbound (RC2): Lingyang's Intro Skill recovers an additional 10 Resonance Energy, triggering once every 20 seconds.
- Jaw-Dropping Feats, Loud and Wide (RC3): During his Lion's Vigor Resonance Liberation, Lingyang's basic attack damage bonus is increased by 20%, and his Resonance Skill damage bonus is increased by 10%.
- Immortals Bow, in Reverence Flawed (RC4): Lingyang's Outro Skill increases the Glacio damage bonus of all team members by 20% for 30 seconds.
- Seven Stars Shine, Stepped upon High (RC5): Lingyang's Strive: Lion's Vigor Resonance Liberation deals additional Glacio damage equal to 200% of his attack.
- Demons Tremble, Divine Power Nigh (RC6): In his Striding Lion state, the basic attack damage bonus for Lingyang's next basic attack is increased by 100% during the first three seconds after every Mountain Roamer Resonance Skill is used.
Good luck levelling up Lingyang in Wuthering Waves!